Chapter 15

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Chapter 15

Amy's POV

Wiggling my toes, I felt the waves of terror drift away. The amber eyes, those of my mother's wolf who could have killed me, faded away until the light from the sun burned my eyes. Hissing, I turned over. My body aching and groaning in dispute of not having moved in such a long time.

"Amy?" A frail, quiet voice asked. The unsurity was alarming. I peeked out from between my pillows, to be greeted by my dearest friend, Merida. Her eyes were red and puffy, tears still staining her cheeks. She had dark circles under her eyes and she was as white as the cotton bed sheets beneath me.

"M-Merida?" I responded. My throat was dry and itchy; my voice hoarse from not having used it. She smiled sadly. She quickly dived on the bed, pulling me close to her. Her sweet perfume filled my senses and I could feel myself melting into her touch.

"I'm so happy you're back!" She exclaimed. I balled the back of her shirt in my fists as treacherous tears escaped and soiled the beautiful lilac silk of her blouse. "You were frozen in a state of fear and I thought you wouldn't recover. You fucking scared me half to death you silly cunt. I haven't slept in three days, I have barely even left your side for longer than five minutes. I thought you wouldn't come back." The crack in her voice told me she was crying too.

"Merida..." I began, choking back a sob and fighting back the harsh lump in my throat. "I'm sorry."

"No. Don't you dare apologize. We should have known you couldn't be alone like that. We should have stayed with you. Harry should have stayed all night, no matter how fucking hungry the bastard was. He shouldn't have left your damn side. The least he could have done was ask one of us to step in while he left."

"No. Don't blame Harry. We all thought I was getting better. I thought I was getting better. Things like this were bound to happen. I'm sorry I couldn't fight it in time. Harry was just a few seconds too late was all. I swear I am getting better. I'm lasting longer." I argued.

It was true that I had fallen in these states before. They were very frequent when I had first arrived. Some lasted a couple of hours, some lasted a few days. My father even admitted to me after my first shift that I was not in a coma. I was frozen in a state of pure, unadulterated fear from the attack.

That is why I can not be alone. That is why I need somebody with me when I sleep, somebody I trust. But I know that eventually, I will have to let them go and sleep by myself. It is just a case of preparing my body, and my mind, for that day.

Moments later, a very proud Will entered the room. A plate stacked high with pancakes in one hand, and sausages and bacon and toast in the other. Merida released me and helped me into a sitting position. He placed the plates down on the bed and I immediately tucked in. They smiled as I moaned my utmost gratitude.

The soft, pillow-like pancakes exploded sweetness in my mouth. I felt as though I were simply chewing on an intensely sensational cloud. The sausages were thick and juicy, the herbs complimented the powerful taste of the pork; just how I like them. But the pancakes, they were perfectly crispy and perfectly chewy in all the right places.

It was pure, explicit heaven. My taste buds were having an overload of different tastes and my mouth watered with satisfaction. Then I burped my thanks and we all exploded into a fit of raucous laughter.

Satisfied, they left me alone to shower while they too leave my room to go have their own breakfasts. The water ran down my body, unwinding every knot, soothing every muscle and massaged every ache in my body. I sighed in content.

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