You little horn dog.

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Leigh stared at Ashe as if expecting something. Well, seeing that her crush was on her bed, it was hard to say what she wanted. Especially when she was snuggling against a black wolf plushie. Damned thing was going to smell like her...

"What are you waiting for?" Said Ashe, successfully breaking the silence.

"I'd appreciate it if you'd leave the room so I can change."

"Why don't you go to the bathroom or something?" I swear to god, thought the glasses-wearing girl, if I didn't like her so much she'd be rotting in hell.

"Because I don't trust you being in my room alone. You'd snoop."

Hazel eyes were rolled and she blew a raspberry at her. "Fine princess." And like that, she left.

Levins watched her, making sure to take advantage to stare at her bum. Alright, enough peeking. The shirt and pants were slipped off and were replaced by the prior outfit. There was a little flare to this... Something outside of her norms. But she liked it. It made her feel a little bit sexy, and it wasn't revealing enough to make her feel like some slut. She walked over to her vanity and applied a light shade of red lipstick, then using a glittery blue eyeliner. However... When she looked past her own reflection in the mirror...


"What? You didn't notice I didn't close the door and went on with stripping!"

Leigh pouted and flailed a little, her face burning red. How embarrassing... She was even wearing her teddy bear panties!

"34 B," she finally said.

" .... How did you know?"

"I keep track of my competition."

"Um, what?"

Ashe shrugged and Leigh was left guessing. A fleeting moment happened, and the shorter of the two stooped over to put on her black Dr. Martens.

"Jean will be picking us up in five minutes. I'll sit in the back and dress on the way there so no looking."

God. She was making life difficult for her.

"Mm... you can look, actually. Just don't get too excited, you little horn dog."

A hand slapped her face, finger prints smudging her glasses. She groaned and it was clear that she was irritated. "Can we just go already?" Hissed the brunette.

여자친구 있어?

There was never a time where Leigh squirmed so much. She was seated in a Kia Optima (which she was in love with, it was an attractive car) in the passenger seat, with her lovely Hussie behind her. Jean, who sported a dark blue hoodie and black jeans, was quiet as he drove down the street, Say Anything's 'Less Cute' playing.

At least their taste in music was similar.

Ashe was grumbling crap about how hard it was to dress in the backseat of a car, and eventually, a lacy pink bra flew right onto Leigh's lap.

"What the fuck."

"Haha, sorry. Bumpy road." Liar, this was paved just the other day.

The rest of the trip was void of any other conversation. When they reached West's house, Leigh had to jump out of the car for air. She did another intake when she saw Ashe.

For someone who dressed in the back of a car, she was hot. She donned a black muscle shirt with the words 'Queer is the new black' in white imprinted on it. Somehow, the bra from earlier found its way back on her. Her skin-tight pants were a dark shade of green, and her size 8 and a half feet were wearing black Converse. Her beautiful face was made slightly more attractive (she didn't need make up, in Leigh's opinion) as she found out she decided to wear the same thing.

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