You can't just play fetch with my feelings.

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It's easy to imagine what people's reactions were when they saw Leigh walk through the school gates the next morning with Quinn, an arm wrapped lazily around her shoulder. Some with wide eyes, others with an indignant look, a good amount not surprised, the next group of people indifferent. It was to be expected, somewhat; and now that fall was beginning to show its colors, Leigh had an excuse.

She was cold as fuck. (Even though it doesn't get that cold in Southern California.) She was bundled up in a white down jacket that reached her mid-thigh and her legs were only graced with a pair of black jeans. Shoes? Usual pair of black Converse. Quinn sported a similar outfit, but her jacket was a navy blue and her face wasn't pink like Leigh's. This was the closest she's ever been to someone in a romantic manner.

Despite the fact that she was just manipulating her.


Classes were boring, although the two departed with Leigh kissing her on the cheek, and her teeth chattered the whole time. Leigh felt her cold fingers fumble with the lock, and she sighed when more slips of paper fell to her feet. To be belittled due to rejection... it hurt, that was for sure. Her eyes looked down at the scattered scraps before she resumed her task and left.

So here comes that dreaded time of the day. Fourth period. You're going to be fine. Just look up at the board and the teacher the whole time. She doesn't even need to sit next to you.

The Asian sat down in the back after thanking the teacher for letting her do so. As a top student, she was the first one there and her homework was placed neatly onto the desk. Rummaging through her bag for a pen, she started to hum.

"Wish to tell me why I see a bitch running around like she's in heat?"

Fuck. "I don't know what you're talking about."



"I give Irene an answer and you go off running to someone else. You're being immature."

Immature my ass. "It's called coping, and when you're up against something that's too much to just sit around and watch, you find ways to deal with it."

Ashe decided it'd be nice to sit in front of her, while Leigh mentally cursed her with every word she knew. "No, that's being a slut."

Slapping her hands onto her desk, she glared at her. "I haven't even slept with her!"

"You two practically let the whole school know you're together!"

"I only kissed her!" In that moment, every little bit of regret she had resurfaced and her face burned in shame.

"You. Did. What?" snarled the taller of the two.

"I... We, fuck. We kissed," she said in a tiny voice.

Ashe crossed her arms. "You two kissed."

"Yup, not that it's any of your business."

The bell rang, and more students came into the classroom.

"We are not done with this."

하느님.... 왜?

Ashe dragged her out of the room right when the bell rang for lunch, and Leigh tried her best to escape her grasp but her heart was pounding too fast because they were holding hands. Something she's fantasized about, but she didn't want it in this context. However it was, the two found themselves in a deserted empty room.

"Why the fuck would you kiss her?"

Leigh decided to put as much space between the two as possible but like always Ashe, with crossed arms, closed the distance each time. "She kissed me, okay?"

"And then what did you do?"

"I kissed her back."

"Leigh, do you even like her?"

"Do you even like Irene?"

"I do." Well, ouch.

"Then I don't see why it matters. Shouldn't you only be worried about who your girlfriend is making out with?"


"I don't understand why you made your decision but I can respect it. I'm only pissed that you made me beg when it was for nothing."

"I find it hard to believe that that's the only reason why you're acting immaturely."

"Don't get too conceited, Ashe. Not everything's about you."

That shut her up really well, more than she would have liked. Yet... it didn't keep her from, cliché, pushing her up against the wall.

"Listen here you little mutt-"

"Stop acting like a shit head."

"Don't interrupt me."

"Why? You hate it when I do that?"

"No, I just-"

Her brown eyes glared at hazel. "You just?"

"It... does something."

"... Does it turn you on?"

"No, Leigh. I would never get turned on over you."

Said girl simply took her glasses off and began to clean the lenses with a handkerchief from her back pocket. "Exactly. I can't make you feel things that I can easily do to Quinn or someone else. It isn't that simple and it hurts a lot because you're the one person I wish would react to something, anything I do. But you don't because you don't see me in the same way I see you."

"Leigh, there's nothing attractive about you. You aren't pretty, your chest is small, your ass is small, you're weak, and your social skills are lacking. The only good thing about you is your brain."

"Then why do you keep sticking around me like glue? I don't follow you, you're always tailing me and dragging me and leading me on! You can't play fetch with my feelings. I'm not the immature one here because I know when to stop before people get hurt. You think because you're so high and mighty that you won't have to deal with the circumstances that you've created because of your ridiculous and heinous actions." The glasses were put back on and she stared at her with stern eyes, shoving her off roughly. "You don't know me, because I try to act my best in front of you." Fixing her jacket, the Asian walked to the door and left.

Of course, only after saying,"And that's exactly what Irene's doing."


Pretty Little Liars is ruining my life. Omfg.


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