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When Madison gets to school, she is so dazed that she doesn't pick up any of her friends.

Even Louie looks rather concerned as he looks back at her, but Madison is deep in thought, her gaze falling down to her fingers in her lap. She can't stop remembering the glorious feeling of Nick, the way his big arms had pinned her down against his bed, how his mouth had moved over her, and made her moan in pleasure.

His lips against her bare skin, his fingers pressing deep against her thighs, his broad arms around her form.

She's hot all over, just thinking about it.

"Miss Madison?" Louie voice is tentative.

Madison's head snaps up, rather flustered. "Yes, Louie?"

"We're here," he says, and she can see the light of confusion in his eyes. Her driver clears his throat and adds, "Would you like me to pick you up for your dancing lesson today, Miss Madison?"

For a moment, Madison thinks about bailing on the dance lesson for today. She's so confused about everything that she's feeling and for the first time, Madison doesn't know what to do. She doesn't know what she wants. Nick wanted to get her out of his system, and she thought she did, too, so why can't she stop thinking about him?

This is the exact opposite of what's supposed to happen, Madison thinks angrily.

She nods her head, annoyed at herself.

"Yes, Louie," Madison tells her driver. "Pick me up, right after school."

"Yes, Miss Madison."

When she spots her group of friends waiting for her, Madison remembers everything she has to do, all in an instant. She could curse herself, she thinks, swearing under her breath. Being with Nick made her forget everything but she's got so much to do.

"Wait," Madison calls out to Louie, even as she opens the door. "I have a free lesson in the afternoon, Louie. I need you to pick me up at one o'clock."

"Yes, Miss Madison," Louie says, and he gives her one last worried glance before Madison gets out of her car and he drives off.

Lula is there in an instant, pulling Madison into the school building, chattering away eagerly, even as Madison reaches for Audrey.

" Theo and I made up, finally, after Maria made us talk properly. She told me that your idea of dumping him wasn't such a good idea because of how much I really like him, and we had to talk, and I found out that Theo thought I was being rude and I don't really mean to be rude so I'm trying to be a better person –,"

"Lula," Madison snaps, rubbing her head. She makes a conscious effort to stop looking for a motorbike. "Be a better person by not talking."

Lula's face dims and the light of excitement within her face turns to soft disappointment, as Maria clears her throat awkwardly. Elliot and Maria are exchanging looks between each other and usually, Madison would be annoyed at it, but her focus is entirely on Audrey now. Audrey looks much the same as she did yesterday, to Madison's relief, and she doesn't seem to be sporting any new bruises, Madison thinks, eyeing her friend with some worry. She reaches for Audrey's wrist and Audrey smiles at her sweetly.

It's then that Madison already knows it.

Audrey hasn't broken up with Kyle.

Does she have to do everything?

"...Madison? Are you listening?" Elliot is asking her, his brows furrowed together.

Madison turns her head. "What?"

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