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"Nick," Will says. "I think I've got a problem. This whole year has passed and I'm still single."

Nick only hums, his gaze lingering on Madison, who is seated before him.

The light of the sun trickles against her hair, limning it a burnished chocolate colour, and Nick has to keep himself from sighing. She turns her head, her hair shifting slightly, and makes eye contact with him. He pulls another face at her goofily, mimicking the teacher, and watches triumphantly, when Madison lets out a laugh, before she tries to stop herself, quickly.

He's realised how much he likes seeing her icy façade break, Nick thinks. Anything to make her laugh.

Will is still talking.

"...saw on the news that most people don't even find anyone at all," he's saying. "Plus, Mum says that it takes a lot of luck to find someone not to love, but who you're comfortable with. It's not even about love, she says. She's talking about having someone beside you that you find comfortable, and I swear, I'm not even asking for much, I just need to get laid – are you even listening?"

Will frowns at him.

"Huh?" Nick blurts out, turning his head quickly. "Yeah, I'm listening. You need to get laid."

His gaze drifts towards Madison once more, where she sits beside Elliot and hugs him, laughing at some joke he'd passed. Nick furrows his brows in confusion, wondering exactly how close she is to Elliot.

"Plus –,"

"Hey, Will," Nick says, holding himself taut. "You know Madison?"

"Evil ice queen of the school?" Will blinks, as Nick winces lightly. "Yeah, her name rings a bell."

"Is she dating that Elliot guy?" he asks, trying to sound as casual as he can. When Will eyes him curiously, Nick hurries to explain. "It's just that – the – the scholarship – I mean, Diana likes Elliot, so she wanted me to find out for her."

"I thought Diana liked you," Will points out, before he shakes his head. "Nah, I don't think they're going out. They're just friends." He looks at Nick, frowning a little. "You haven't spoken about Madison in ages. The two of you finally getting along?"

Yeah, in my bed, in my sheets.

"Something like that."

* * *

When school finishes, Nick comes upon Madison staring up at the picture of the atlas on the wall.

"You don't have to go," she tells him softly, when he makes to move away, as they've agreed upon, when they're in school.

They're not to even acknowledge the other, though Nick suspects Madison's being lenient with the rules today. His gaze lingers on her curiously and Nick stops, his big, hulking form towering over her. Madison turns her head towards him, her eyes bright.

"You made up with your friends," he tells her, and he's genuinely glad for her.

Nick knows how much Madison adores her friends, even if she won't actually admit it to anyone. It's easy to see how much she cares for them, he thinks, and considering how her own mother treats her, it lets him understand Madison a whole lot better than he thought he would. No wonder she is so cold to those she doesn't like and manipulative, if her own mother lauds the ability over anything else.

"Yes," Madison says, but in that one word, there's everything she won't let herself say, he knows. "What are you doing here?"

"Trying to figure out a way to deal with Mitchell," Nick admits honestly.

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