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The next day, in school, Madison feels a weight lift off her shoulder, as the last exam finally finishes.

There is a shout of joy and victory as the students celebrate happily, but Madison simply leans back against her chair, completely relaxed for the first time in forever. She chances a glance behind her, towards Nick's desk, and makes inadvertent eye contact with him. He winks at her and Madison quirks her lips slightly, thinking how his expression looks similar to the morning when she had unthinkingly reached to help button up his coat.

It had been disgustingly domestic, she thinks to herself, but there is not venom behind even these words, in her own mind. Madison realises that she hadn't even thought properly; she had just lifted her fingers to help him, letting his hands drift to fix her school skirt. Her cheeks flush, hot with pleasure, thinking of the cupcakes Nick had left for her, in her locker.


Madison turns her gaze and her soft, fond smile drops instantly.

Lula is fidgeting awkwardly, staring at Madison almost hopelessly. Her hands seem to reach out, of their own accord, before she pulls them back, as though she knows Madison will not reciprocate a hug, right now.

"Is something wrong?" Madison says cuttingly.

Her gaze flickers briefly to her friends, who are sitting quietly in the corner.

The rest of the school had simmered, like boiling pots, the rumour mill chugging over the delicious thrill of the news. The queen of Redwood had seemingly fought with her closest friends, was roaming around, completely free and fine. It had done wonders for her popularity and most people just stared at her, wanting to be her more than ever, but increasingly, Madison is beginning to think that it just doesn't matter.

She can't think why she placed so much importance on being popular. Not when there are such delights to be had, like eating cupcakes and arguing with Nick.

"Madison, please," Lula says softly, staring at her with big eyes. "At least, talk to us."

Though Madison holds herself strong, she feels something within her crumble slightly at the helpless note in Lula's voice. She adores her friends and she would do anything for them, but Madison can't forget the sheer awfulness it felt to be herself, when Maria had spilled all apparent truth. She's still reeling from the pain it feels to have her heart beat, from remembering those terrible words which still sting so awfully.

Did they really hate her so much?

"I dare not," she says bitingly, instead. "Heaven forbid you all get offended by my rudeness."

"Madison," Lula says, her brows furrowed, "come on, please. I thought I was the drama queen –,"

"Oh, now I'm a drama queen?" Madison interrupts, though the words cut through her like the sharpest knife. "I'll add it to the list."

Lula's gaze is horror-struck. Her fingers are pressed over her mouth as though she hopes to take the words back in.

"I didn't mean to call you that, I swear," she begins heavily.

"Of course you didn't," Madison says spitefully.

She feels like a bitter, stuck thing, her stomach clenching uncomfortably at the sight of Lula's face as it crumbles. Madison begins to pack her things busily, into her bag. She turns her face away from Lula, ignoring her.

"Madison, please, just listen to us," Lula says. "We're not saying anything bad against you – please, Madison. We love you, sweetie, but –,"

"You're in my way," Madison says cuttingly, lifting herself from her seat. When Lula doesn't move, she moves herself. "Even Nick has better manners."

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