Chapter 11

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            Moving slowly towards her dressing table, Ruba looked at herself in the mirror. Her eyes scanned all over her face, from her lips to her eyes. She was pale and had dark circles under her eyes. Ruba lifted her right hand and traced the dark circles under her eyes with her index finger. She stood at her dressing table, staring at herself.

* * *

“Ruba when you get back, make sure you tidy your room up!”  Kaitlin put two pieces of bread in the toaster.

 Ruba reached out to the medicine cupboard for paracetamol. “Okay mum.” Searching the cupboard, Ruba became impatient and vigorously started searching for the tablets. “Gosh. Mum are you trying to hid the paracetamol from me?” Packets of plasters and ointments were falling to the ground.

Kaitlin walked over and stood behind Ruba; she reached her left hand out and placed her hand on a packet of paracetamol. She handed them to Ruba and walked over to the sink. “Water’s on the counter.”

“Thanks mum.”

“Darling, if you’re not feeling well enough to go, just stay home.”

Ruba placed a tablet in her mouth and gulped down the water. “I’m fine.”

All was quiet for a minute.

“Right, I’m off.” Ruba said.

“I’ll take you…”

“I’m fine. See you soon. Bye mum!” Ruba kissed her mother’s cheek and walked out the front door.

* * *

“Can we go?” Ruba pouted and let out a sigh.

“Come on Ruba, we just got here!”

“Willow, we got here two hours ago…”

Michael and Joseph walked over to the girls and to Ruba’s surprise the boys wanted to stay.

“Out of all people… you guys decided you wanted to stay?” Ruba lifted an eyebrow up in curiosity.

“Well yeah…” Joseph said faintly.

“Look Ruba, there’s a magic shop opening up in…” Michael looked at his watch. “… ten minutes.”

“Then why did we come so early?”

Michael and Joseph gave her a knowing smirk. Ruba knew why they came early. Willow and Amy wanted to be the first in New Look.


Ruba steadied herself. Ruba started to feel dizzy and her eyesight was going blurry.

“Ruba…” Michael motioned his hand in front of her face. “You there?”

Joseph stared at Michael as if to say what are you doing? “Dude, that’s not how you snap someone out of daydreaming…” He walked closer to Ruba and turned his head in Michael’s direction.  “Watch…”

“Owe! Why did you flick me?” Ruba shouted.

Joseph stood there shocked that his “method” didn’t work. Michael was standing behind Joseph, smirking.

“What is wrong with you sometimes?” Ruba walked off, shaking her head, thinking what the hell?  She wonders, sometimes, what goes through Joseph’s mind?

* * *

“Wha-what did I do?” Joseph asked confused.

Michael smirked at Joseph and led him with his hand on Josephs shoulder to Ruba. “C’mon…”

Ruba was sitting on a bench with her head in her hands. She heard footsteps approaching. She wanted to be alone; she wanted to be lying in bed getting better. Lifting her head, Ruba spoke. “Have you come to apologise?”

“Um, yeah sure. I’m sorry Ruba.”

“Apology accepted.” Ruba stood up and smiled at Joseph.

Ruba’s smile was fading and her eyes were closing. She started to sway left to right, trying to maintain her balance. Ruba’s eyes shut and she fell to the ground.

Michael and Joseph fell to their knees and shook Ruba to wake up. They didn’t know what to do. They were scared.

“Help!” Michael shouted. “Joseph go get Amy and Willow!”

Joseph stood up, staring at Ruba, nothing processing through his mind.

“Now!” Michael insisted.

* * *

Joseph ran towards Willow and Amy, where they were giggling. With all the breath that he had left, he managed to speak and motioned his hands in the direction Ruba was laying.

* * *

“Oh my God!” Amy whispered to herself. “Ruba.”

“What happened?” Willow questioned.

“She fainted.” Michael replied.

Crowds of people were beginning to ascend around Ruba.

“Ruba!” Willow shouted.

“Ruba!” Amy leant down onto her knees and nudged Ruba’s shoulder.

Ruba was out. She could faintly hear her name being called; she had no strength. Her body failed her.

* * *

Ruba was in a dark room, standing still. There suddenly was a flow of electricity through her fingers. She looked down at her hands and without thinking, she brought light to the room and then suddenly, she was facing Naomi. Ruba’s hands were itching from the electricity flowing through her hands. She was desperate to use more magic….

* * *

“Ruba!” Joseph shouted, his voice slightly shaking.

“Ruba!” They all shouted in unison. Nudging her a few times, she woke up and they all stumbled to her, holding her.

Amy and Michael helped Ruba up and brought her to her house.

Her mum was shocked, scared. If anything, worried. Kaitlin helped her upstairs and placed her in her bed and let her sleep.

“How is she?” Willow asked.

“She’s… she’s going to get better… I just put her to sleep. Hopefully she’ll be better by tomorrow.”

They all nodded their heads and started to head out the door.

“Thank-you!” Kaitlin said.

They all turned their heads in Kaitlin’s direction.

“It’s okay…” Amy spoke and gave a reassuring smile. 

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