Chapter 17

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“I want to stop, but can’t! I’m addicted. I can’t stop… please help me…” Ruba fell into Amy’s arms and started crying.

* * *

Amy held Ruba for a minute. Trying to comfort her, make her feel better. Ruba knew there was no way in feeling better. She put this upon herself. She was warned that she was using too much, but Ruba carried on. It’s her own fault and she knows that!

Now it’s up to her to get better.

The other’s, Willow, Joseph and Michael, were still in the room, standing. They didn’t know what to do. They were there for her and they do care. Amy looked over her shoulder as if to say come over here! They came over and they all hugged Ruba. They gave her one big old hug.

Amy released Ruba from her arms and took hold of her hands. Holding them for security.

Amy looked at Ruba in her eyes. “How did we get to this point?”

Amy let go of Ruba’s hands whilst Ruba’s head looked down in shame. Amy walked off to the corner of the room and stared at the wall. Ruba’s friends walked over to her and started to comfort her. Amy gave the impression that she was disgusted with Ruba.

Well played.

“Don’t worry Ruba! She’s in her thinking mode…” Joseph stated.

Ruba gave a nod to the ground and whispered. “I know…”

A few minutes passed and Amy walked over to Ruba and stood in-front of her. Amy extended her arm so Ruba could grab.  “Get up. Ruba!”

Ruba went to grab Amy’s hand, instead Amy pulled away and walked out the room. Ruba stood up in a stumble and looked at her friends in a what-the-hell look. Her friends shrugged their shoulders in confusion.

“Follow me…” Amy demanded.

Ruba walked out the living room and found Amy standing at the bottom of the staircase. The rest followed and stood by Ruba. They didn’t even know what Amy was up to.

No-one did.

Amy started upstairs to Ruba’s room. When Amy saw Ruba walking slowly she sarcastically stated. “Are you coming?”

Michael whispered to Ruba. “Just ignore her. She’s being an idiot…”

Ruba followed Amy up the stairs to her room. They all entered Ruba’s room and Amy walked to the back of the room and got on her knees, opened the floorboard where Ruba kept all her witchcraft things.

“Clean it  up…” Amy coldly stated.

“Clean what up?” Ruba coldly replied back.

“What do you think? Get on the floor and clear it out!”


“… Because Ruba! Get rid of this! I’m not saying everything… leave one thing… “

“But I don’t-“

Amy grabbed Ruba’s shoulders and made clear… “Ruba… clear it up! It’s to help you!”

Ruba walked over and started to clear all of her spell books, candles, crystals…

“What do you think you’re doing?” Michael asked.

“I’m helping!”

“No, no you’re not helping. You’re being a bitch!”

“It’s discipline Michael…” Amy turned and looked at Ruba on the floor, collecting her things up. “…If she had discipline in the first place, she wouldn’t be in this mess…”

“Oh, I get it!” Michael faced Amy and looked at her in the eyes. “… You can’t except that she’s more powerful than you!”

Amy stood there, emotionless… “No… Where do you think you’re going Willow?” Amy grabbed Willow’s arm.

Willow pulled out of Amy’s grip and walked over to help Ruba.

* * *

“Mum. Do I have to go?” Ruba questioned her mother.

“Yes Ruba! You haven’t been to church in ages. Now hurry up! Walk out the door, we’re going to be late.” Kaitlin motioned towards their front door.

They got in the car, Ruba sitting at the front.

“But why?” Ruba looked at her mum.

“Ruba, don’t question me! Whenever I go, you never come! I’m outing my foor down on this one.”

* * *

Church was over and Ruba’s mum was talking to other parents that were there.

 A girl, same age as Ruba walked over to her. Her brown hair moving with the movement of her body.  

“Hey...I’m Maria.”

“Hey, I’m Ruba.” Ruba smiled politely.

“So, I don’t really see you much. Are you new?”

“Uh, no. I hardly come here, that's all. It’s…” Ruba pointed around the church. “… It’s not really my thing… you see that woman over there, though?” Ruba pointed to her mum who was talking.

“Yeah… I know her. She comes every Sunday, why?”

“… she’s my mum.”

A bright smile stretched across Maria’s face. “Oh. How come you don’t come? Church can pretty fun at times.”

Ruba shook her head. “Ah, I don’t think so…”

“Sure it can… you just have to come…” Maria smiled.

“We’ll see…”

“So, what do you like… doing?”

Tough question for Ruba… about ninety percent of her time revolves around magic. “Oh, you now things… I like History… like how people believed in witches and stuff… pretty stupid.” Ruba looked to the ground.

“Yeah, I know! I mean, witches… that’s so… not real, you know?” Maria looked at Ruba’s head, sicne she was still facing the ground.

Ruba and Maria spoke for a while. Got to know each other. Ruba felt out of place being at a church, and of course she had the guilt, but she was glad she made a friend.

“Oh, here! I’ll give you my number and hopefully we’ll see eachother again.”

“Oh, you’re not coming tomorrow?”

They exchanged numbers.

“Ah, we’ll see. My mum’s coming if you wanna start up a conversation with her.” Ruba joked.

“Nah, I’m good! You should come! At least think about it.”

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