Chapter 19

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The sun was gleaming through Ruba’s window and her chandelier was sparkling around the room. There were rainbow dots all over the room.

Ruba’s eyes slowly flickered open and she immediately jumped out of bed and headed for the bathroom. When she came back, she remembered about yesterday and what Maria had told her.

I accept that you’re… different.

Those words running through Ruba’s mind: Did she really mean that? That it’s okay, or was she just saying that to try and make Ruba feel guilty that she practices witchcraft, however has a religion?

Ruba was just over thinking. Maria’s a nice girl… and a friend.

Ruba walked up to her rug and got on her knees and pulled the rug to get a view at the pentagram she had drawn a while back. Ruba stared at it, shaking her head to get the thoughts out that were swimming around trying to plant ideas.

Maria’s a nice girl!

Ruba got dressed. She put on some black skinny jeans with her black doctor martins and a black flowy top. She left her natural hair down. Just as Ruba was leaving her bedroom, her phone started to vibrate, so she quickly ran over to her desk, picked it up and read the text message whilst walking down the stairs.

“Church… today?” Maria sent a text to try and get Ruba to go.

Despite what had happened yesterday, Maria finding out that Ruba was a Wiccan, she was still, somehow, determined to get Ruba to go to church.

Ruba chuckled to herself whilst locking her phone and placing it in her pocket.

Really? Despite what happened yesterday, Maria’s still pestering Ruba…

* * *

About two hours later, there’s a knock on Ruba’s house door and she goes to open it to find Maria standing at the door way with her church clothes on…

“Not to be rude or anything, but what are you doing here?” Ruba stood at the door way.

Maria took hold of her skirt. “We’re going to church!”

“Maria, I don’t want to…”

Maria grabbed Ruba’s hand and pulled her out of her house. Before they closed the door, Maria shouted so Kaitlin could here that they were going to go church. .

“You’re coming with me, whether you like or not.”

They started towards the church, which was about a ten minute walk from Ruba’s house.

“Why do you want me to go so badly?”

“Ruba… just shush and come. God, you’re so difficult!” Maria smirked.

“Well no one told you to make an effort…”

Maria narrowed her eyes at Ruba and they giggled.

“Look, fine. But I’m not even properly dressed for church!”

“Sure you are! That’s your style and this is mine.”

They arrived at the church and as they were walking to get into church, everyone was greeting Maria.

“All these people… know you?” Ruba started.

“I’m a regular.”

Ruba liked the idea of people knowing her… it made her feel as if she belonged somewhere. They sat through the service and when the service finished, they made their way back to Ruba’s.

The whole walk back to Ruba’s house, she couldn’t stop thinking how nice and how… safe she felt at church.

“So, I’ll see you tomorrow?” Ruba asked.

“Yeah! I hope you liked today…”

“You know… I did… I don’t know what it was, but I felt safe… you know?”

Maria smiled and walked away.

* * *

Ruba kept a few spells from when Amy made her clear out her things. Ruba walked to the rug in her room and threw it off the pentagram. She sat there in the middle and started a spell.

The spell wasn’t really because she was addicted, or because it was a must. Ruba just… wanted to do a spell. It’s been about three weeks since Ruba’s done a spell and she just wanted to see if she still “had it”.

Ruba chanted the spell she was doing and when she was done, she got up of off the floor, to find that she felt a cold presence in the room. Ruba looked around, ahead of her,  and then turned behind her to see a black shadow staring at her.

Not coming closer this time.

Just staring at her.

Her heart raced and from her shock she ran to her lights and switched them on. Her heart was racing, her hands were shaking and her face went red and the shocked/scared expression that she had on her face when she saw the shadows a few minutes ago, was still plastered to her face like she just experienced the shadows again. 

BeWitchedTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon