What do I do? (4)

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----Gerard Way's POV-----

I don't know what just happened. I don't know what to do. I try to ask what went on but she won't respond. I think she is unconscious... What do you do when someone is unconscious.

I call out for Mikey or Frank or a nurse... or anybody. I take my jacket off to try and stop the blood coming from her nose and leg. Even though she looks pretty beaten up I think she is going to be okay. Thank god.

I take the rope out of her mouth and take the black mask off her head. There is eyeliner smeared round her face from where she has been crying and she has multiple bruises. How did this happen at our concert? How did I not see this it all?

A few minuits later Mikey comes running towards me.

"Hey, I've been looking for you what are you.. woah what happened" he asks suddenly shocked.

"It wasn't me .. I. I I don't know what happened there were these guys and she was tied up and.."

I am so confused and shocked and angry I don't know what to do. I cut off the ropes tying her hands and feet together and try to wake her up but she won't move. 

Mikey rings our first aid assistant and tells them to come here now. I kneel down and pull the hair out of her face and pull her sleeves up to check if her arms are okay. I feel myself frowning when I go to survey her arms as I am met with lots of cuts and scars- the signs of a person in pain. I'm pretty sure the men didn't do that. 

The first aid assistant arrives and checks her over, wrapping some cuts in a bandage and applying some creme on her bruises.

" She will be fine, she just needs to rest.. I really need to go but I need you to make sure she gets home safe. okay?" the first aid assistant explains. She gives me some painkillers to give the girl and leaves quite briskly. 

Then I just stand there not really knowing what to do. Mikey says he is going to the front of the arena to see if there is any people left waiting to collect family members. I  look in her bag and find her phone. I open it to find 8 missed calls from various people who I think are people from her school / work.. not friends or parents though as some of the messages she is recieving are shit. 

I look at some of the texts..

Hannah- WTF your evil ass parents are finally dead how come you are still alive?

Bethany- off to the orphanage you go scumbag

After reading a few more I glance back down at the girl and sadness comes into my brain. I look on the news and see that there has been a terrorist attack and 37 people are dead. I think her parents must have been in that..

What the hell am I supposed to do now? I can't leave her here on her own. I don't have a spare bunk though. She won't wake up and I can't take her to a hotel or anything because she won't be able to stay there forever. 

I bend down and carefully pick her up steering clear of touching bandages and scars. I carry her all the way to our tour bus and lay her down on one of the sofas placing her bag and phone on a little table nearby. I explain to all the other what happened and crawl into my own bed because this is all too much drama for one day. I will see if she wakes up tomorrow.

Can I stay? (Gerard Way x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now