I'll make it better (41)

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A/N : Hey guys, I am glad people still like this story even if I don't upload as frequently because I still enjoy writing it a lot. I dont want to spam you because I love you all but I have a new instagram account for my singing (because I love music) and it would be awesome if you check it out.  username is Freyatheemopotato

thanks guys xx


I bolt awake to the beeping of an alarm that I don't remember setting. I'm still wearing the clothes from yesterday so I climb in the grimy shower and then get changed into another pair of jeans and a baggy jumper. I check my phone and Mikey has replied:

Mikey: Hey Y/N, I'm sorry England hasn't worked out for ya. Of course you can come and stay with our lot for a while, my parens wanna meet you. I won't tell Gee about anything but recently he's been kind of down and none of us know why. Im sure you will cheer each other up, plus I miss you haha. See you soon

I booked a flight on my phone with a really cheap airline because at this point I just want to go asap. The smell of cigarette smoke wafts through the window so I decide to pack my stuff and head down to the lounge to get some food. It still counts as breakfast so I scan the buffet and oh my god I realise this is the reason I came to England. The food was actually amazing and I no longer completely hate my whole trip. I'm not going to explain it all because it is an experience and I can't explain it. I sound so cringey now wow...

Whilst I am stuffing my face with scrambled eggs, toast, baked beans, bacon and sausages I scroll through my phone looking at social media. I reply to some people making nice comments and I comment on one of Frank's posts to annoy him.  Then I decide to try and contact my aunt but it seems like the instagram account that I thought was her has blocked me and left me a message:

Hey you shithole, your aunt moved away to Poland like 5 years ago when she dumped me but I stole her phone because damn you looked gorgeous. But I guess your whole family is just pure shit.I'm moving. Don't look for me. Goodbye

I stare at my phone for a second baffled. Firstly because, why would he tell me this, it's like trying to be an undercover spy but then yelling out to everyone you are a spy. Like I could literally take this to the police and arrest this asshole because this is like a confession. Secondly I am so grossed out that he called my gorgeous, like that is a hairy large man who is at least 15 years older than me..ew

I try to just forget about it I have had enough drama for one trip. I check my phone and see that I should probably be heading to the airport soon so I finish my food and pay for everything thanking the hotel for the sudden booking, even if it wasn't the best hotel.

-------------------------------time skip-------------------------------------------

The plane journey was very boring and uneventful but I got to listen to music and work on some songs so it wasnt too bad. The car journey was also not horrible either just boring and tiring. I don't understand how you can be so tired from doing nothing but idk Jetlag is not my friend right now either. 

I arrive at the adress I am supposed to be and text Mikey. I can't help but feel nervous because my anxious brain won't let me be comfortable in a new place or situation. I feel the familiar twisting in my stomach and I convince my body to take deep breaths. 

A few minutes later Mikey comes strolling aroung the corner with jeans and a oversized jumper on. He gives me a hug and welcomes me inside introducing me to all of his family. Gee is not there. I talk to some people for a while but then I ask Mikey where I can sleep and he shows me my room because at this point I am so tired from the time difference. 

I dump my stuff on the bed and decide to have a look around before I sleep because this place is big and very different to where I used to live. I walk down the hallway and peer in and out of bedrooms trying not to be too nosey but still wanting to have a look. I come across a closed door and from inside I can hear gently guitar strums. This must be Gee, I think to myself.

I knock on the door and wait for a response. I get a mumbled "go away" so I know it is him but I'm not leaving this easily. I say through the door "Even if it's me" and I hear movement from inside.

He opens the door and I don't want to be mean because he alway looks cute but today he looks a mess. He is tired and his hair hangs limply on his head. He pulls me in and shuts the door but as soon as its closed he hugs me. When I say hug I mean like really hard holding me as close to him as possible and I close my eyes and lean into him too. He's like my safety bubble in human form.

After a while I pull away and notice he is crying and I couldn't be more concerned. I wipe away some tears rolling down his face but they just keep coming and at this point I'm starting to cry now too. I sit down on a small black sofa and then he sits next to me. I decide to speak first because hs seems unable to and I need to get him to stop crying.

"Hey, look at me. What's wrong. I'm worried about you" I try to say but halfway through he interrupts me by crashing his lips into mine. My heart just about explodes as my whole body lights up. It's like all of our emotions are being channeled into this kiss and I never want it to end. His soft lips against mine pulling me in. This is what I need right now. 

Somehow he stops and looks me dead in the eyes. "Hey"

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