The black wedding (90)

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A/N - Hello guys! I hope you are all doing well in these strange times and are not too anxious. I have a load of new ideas for this story so I will be continuing to update but I don't know how regularly it will be and I'm sorry about that. Also, I just wanted to say, of course I am not a professional but if you guys ever need to talk to someone feel free to send me a message, I'll help in any way I can. Love you all, stay safe and hope you enjoy this next chapter. Xx


I wake up on my own and the whole tour bus is alive and thriving it almost makes me startled. The butterflies in my chest are flying around and my heart is pounding but in a good way. Hell in a great way. None of the boys are here which is standard as they've gone to get themselves ready and all of our female crew are here to help me. I feel bad that I only just woke up but if anything was desperate I'm sure they would've done something.

As I climb down from my bunk I see Kristen by the coffee machine and walk over to see her but before I can get a drink I'm ushered into the shower because apparently that's the first step in wedding preparation. My mind is a blur to be honest but it's happy, I'm happy and I am holding onto that emotion for dear life because it's not something I'm used to. I let out a little laugh in the shower by myself but then abrubtly shut up because I must sound like a maniac to everyone inside. Someone bangs on the door, I guess that's my signal to hurry up so I rub the soap gently off my arms and grab a towel and pull on some underwear, a bra and some stocking type tight things - I don't know what they're called I haven't done wedding research. Do people do wedding research? My whole brain is now buzzing with the idea of wedding research ..

I step out of the bathroom and Kristen is already in her dress and I actually audibly gasp she looks so pretty and some others around me chuckle. She sees me glancing and does a little spin before coming over to say hello.

'Morning sunshine haha, How are you feeling?' she laughs brightly giving my shoulder a little nudge.

'excited, nervous, a bit of everything?' i laugh back and she just gives me a hug.

I can see my dress hanging up on a temporary rail that was placed on the bus yesterday. We arrived overnight at the wedding location, there's a cute little church but I'm mesmerised by the massive garden. It's sunny outside but not too warm like spring weather and there are flowers everywhere, red roses, white ones, tulips, a million others whose names I don't know, a stone path that leads the way through trees and little ponds, trust me it's beautiful.

I look out the bus windows to calm my nerves, looking at the scenery whilst people curl my hair and put on makeup and help me to get on my dress, who knew wedding dresses were so hard to put on haha. Everyone else gets ready too and they're all looking amazing and it's getting closer and closer to the time. 

Another hour goes past and I'm standing by a mirror all dressed up with hair done, makeup, the dress on and I can't help but feel slightly happy with the way I look, that's a first haha. Kristen has stayed relatively close to my side the whole time and I'm so grateful of that because she makes me feel more at ease.

'Only 30 minutes or so now' she smiles 'tell me what you're thinking'.

'I'm ready, I thin, I'm ready as I'm ever gonna be. . . ' I reply giving myself a weary smile in the mirror.

'but..' Kristen goes on knowing that I'm holding something back.

'Nobody is going to be there, I have no family or friends other than you guys and I don't want to disappoint Gee because half of the church is empty' I sigh but there is nothing in my mind that will bring down my positive mood today.

'Y/N, who cares. Gerard loves you and he won't care besides I can addure you the church won't be empty' she says with a wink. 

Just then a smiley photographer ushers us outside and we take some pictures with all of the female members of our crew as bridesmaids and then a few with just me and Kristen because I asked. After about 20 different pictures were taken in front of the flowers she stops and squeezes my arm 'It's time!'.

We slowly walk over to the little chapel and stand by the double doors leading to the outside garden where the ceremony will take place. Kristen goes in as she is my head bridesmaid and wanted to get herself settled. 

Mikey walks in just then and we both have a mutual look at each other in shock. He's wearing a suit, of course what else did I expect, but there's red features on it and his hair has been made to look all soft and well he just looks very grown up and handsome. 

'Y/N you look amazing' he smiles and hugs me tightly. 'Ready for this?' he winks at me, lightly punching my shoulder.

'Yes, let's do this' I smile.

We get the signal that we can walk through and the music starts playing meaning the doors will open any second. My heart is beating out of my chest and my head is so full of everything right now.

Mikey links with my arm and says gentle as the doors are opening 'I know I'm not your dad but hopefully I am worthy enough to walk you down the aisle'.

I look over at him and I have no words as to how grateful I am to have him here and he knows this because he just squeezes my hand and we begin to walk. As the doors open I am amazed, the place is beautiful, there are flowers everywhere, arches made from white marble, and to my delight the guests have been spread out so that there are even amounts of people on both sides. As we walk futher to the front I can see all of Gerard's family looking at me and they're all smiling which puts me at ease and I look further forward and see all of the guys looking fancy and dapper. Ray's hair looks fabulous as ever and Frank is even grinning which is better than the smirk I was expecting. 

I glance over to the other side of the room and have to stop myself from stopping dead in my tracks I'm so emotional. There are two empty seats that have an image of my mum and my dad on them and I've never been more moved from anything. I feel tears bubbling at my eyes but I won't show that now. 

Mikey glides off and I place myself in front of Gerard who stands there as if he's in shock. His mouth is hanging open and he looks me up and down in the same way I'm looking at him. 

'You are perfect' he mouths to me and it looks like he's a little emotional. I can't help but grin from ear to ear and the ceremony begins.

It's beautiful, the whole thing is absolutely so much more than I could have asked for and after a while it's beginning to come to a close. 

Gerard looks at me with his big hazel eyes and takes my hand in his. 'I do' he says gently giving my hand a little squeeze as some people in the pews give a little aw.

Then the eyes turn to me but I dont care, I can only focus on one thing, I want to be with this man for the rest of my life and there are no words to explain how strong that feeling is.

I take a deep breathe, give his hand a squeeze back and speak clearly and confidently 'I do'.

'You may now kiss the bride' the priest says and before I can even blink out lips collide.

Married, together, forever. 

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