No hope now (34)

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I woke up to nothing. Everything is dark and I have no idea where I am. I open and close my eyes but it doesn't make a difference. My body hurts all over and my head feels light and numb. I try to feel the area around me using my sore hands but I don't really feel anything. Everything is faded and not right, like not sharp. I don't feel overly sick though just a bit disgusted. My feet are tied to something as it is very hard to move. I'm not wearing the clothes I had on when they took me and it makes me feel awful. What did they do to me.

There is a very thin matress beneath me and the rest is blank, just the cold floor I guess. I don't know what to do, I don't know what I can do. I am so hungry my stomach keeps making strange noises but my bruised limbs and thighs refuse to move. I am too scared to move or make a sound as they could come back. 

I have a strange taste in my mouth. I don't know why. I also don't know why I keep thinking of things as being strange, this whole scenario is bloody bonkers. I lie down and try to clear my brain and just think. Think of a song. Think of the world. Think of my parents. Tears are trickling down my face but I have to keep silent to survive. Then I hear the noise I have feared and longed for the most. 

A scream of terror. A pure blood curdling shriek. I wince so much my body tries to curl into itself. It sounds like the person I want the most right now but I am petrified because that was not a nice scream. That was pure dread. Gerard

Gerard POV -  (goes back in time a little bit)

She goes round the corner and I tell myself to get a grip. These people are specialists they will treat her right. That's when I hear that scream, the scream that she only ever uses if she is seriously in trouble. I sprint round the corner and see a white van. Holy shit it's them.

I sprint to my managers car and start the engine. I drive after the van as fast as I can much tot he dismay of all the other guys and my manager. They are not getting away. Not this time.

They stop by an old appartment building but they go down into some basement. When I think they are all gone I park the car and sneak around trying to find a way in. That's when three guys come up behind me and punch me in the back. I am doubled over in pain but I am taken into the same place Y/N was taken into. I guess that is a success.

I am taken into a viewing room. Like there's a room and then a glass screen and then another room where i am sat down on a chair. Then someone jumpscares me from behind and I can't help but scream.

A few minuits later I see her. Y/N is being carried into the room on the other side of the glass and she looks terrified. She is pale and as soon as she sees me she starts screaming my name. It hurts me so much, seeing her like that.

Your POV

Gee is sitting on the other side of this screen thing and I can't help but feel a little relieved that someone knows where I am. Then the weirdest fucking thing happened. All the men in the room just left and all the lights went dark. Then when they went up again two familiar faces were staring back at us.

JOSH AND TYLER -  "WHAT THE FUCK" Gee and I yell at the same time.

Then they burst out laughing. Is my life going to get any weirder than this?

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