Chapter One

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It was almost midnight when my new co workers and I arrived at the Tampa Club. I didn't know them very well, and tried not to get to attached because I knew I wouldn't be working with them for long. I was drunk though and having a grand time laughing at a story one of them was telling.

It was dark in the bar and everything and one blurred together. One of the girls grabbed my arm and pulled me to the dance floor with her. I loved to dance and sing way off tune to the pop songs that blared out the speakers of the club. It was so hot on the dance floor and I was grinding and bumped bodies with many others, having a good drunken time.

The girl I was with motioned she was going to the bathroom. I nodded and continued to dance. It was sometime later my drunken mind realized I was being circled by a group of guys practically eye rapping me and quickly pushed my way off the dance floor towards the bar, looking for the girls I came here with. I ordered a drink and walked around trying to find them. I had just pulled out my phone to text the one girl, Sarah when I lost my balance on the uneven floor and fell face first onto the dirty club floor, sending my drink and phone flying.

"Shit" I cursed, looking for my phone but there was a mass of people moving around so I couldn't see it and my double vision was not helping.

"Hey you! You're out of here!" It was one of the security men grabbing me and pulling me up off the floor

"I need my phone" I slurred looking around wildly for it as he pulled my arm

"Hey she's with me, Brian" a deep voice said over the loud music

I turned and saw an extremely good looking tall dark haired guy speaking to the security guy. I had no idea who this was.

"Okay, she's pretty drunk so look after her" he said then disappeared back into the crowd

"Hey, are you okay?" the guy asked taking a step toward me

I took a step away, I was leary of tall gorgeous dark haired guys that I didn't know.

"I dropped my phone" I said looking around for it, but the ground was spinning and my vision was blurry. I prayed I wouldn't puke.

He held it out to me "I saw it drop earlier" he explained

"Thanks" I mumbled and then began to walk away, seeking fresh air.

"Hey!" he yelled after me over the music but I kept walking. I was drunk and needed to get out of this hot club.

Outside the club, the warm but fresh Tampa air was a relief for my pounding and dizzy head. I looked around for a cab but didn't see one. Why were there no cabs, it was a busy club on a Friday night at 2 am!


I turned. It was the same guy from earlier.

"Do you need a ride home?" he asked

I'd heard that line before. "No thanks, I'm f-" then a wave of nausea hit me and I puked right on his shoes.

He jumped back in disgust.

"Sorry" I gasped wiping my mouth "I'll pay for new shoes for you"

I heard him laugh "It's fine. Look let me get a cab for you"

"There's none here" I told him "I'm just going to walk, I don't live far" and began a definitely not straight walk down the side walk.

"You can't walk home, alone. It's 2 am and you're a girl by yourself! Where's your friends or boyfriend?" he said still following me.

"Look, I appreciate your help and I'm sorry about your shoes but I'll be fine" I said and walked away down the sidewalk, in what I hoped was the right direction to my apartment.

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