Chapter Nine

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Kevin picked me up at 7 that night with my little suitcase and brought me back to his house which was slightly closer to the airport.

"Sleepy?" he asked me

I shook my head "Wide awake actually"

"What time do we have to leave tomorrow morning?"

"Around 5" I said

"I must really like you"

I grinned and walked over to him and stood on my tippy toes to wrap my arms around his neck and kissed him

"What's you're family like?" Kevin asked wrapping his arms around me

"Why?" I asked "are you nervous to meet them?"

"Me nervous? Definitely not"

I laughed "whatever you say. My family's great, and I'm sure they'll like you"

"You think?" He questioned

I nodded "Don't worry about it"

We ended up making spaghetti and just watching a movie before going to sleep.

In the morning I had to do a lot of poking and convincing to get Kevin up. He was definitely not an early bird.

"Want me to drive?" I asked "you look like you could fall asleep at the wheel"

He yawned and took a sip of coffee "I'll drive and be super careful, I have precious cargo after all" and pecked me on the cheek and grabbed my bags

I grinned and followed him out of the apartment

"So what's your plans for this weekend? It's your moms birthday today right?"

I nodded "Yes, it's a surprise so dads picking me up from the airport and then the twins and mom are meeting us for lunch!"

"That sounds fun. Then you have the Toronto game tonight?" He questioned

"Yes, I'm very excited to see Tyler play. It's been too long"

"How long has it been since you've been home?" He asked

I felt nervous at this question. It could lead to me being a travel nurse.

"A few months. Do you see yours regularly?" I asked steering the conversation away

"I try to go once a week or my parents come watch a game. I haven't seen my sister in a few months because of her being in Paris"

I nodded

"How many years is her schooling over there?"

"Good question" he laughed "I forget, but I think Becca will probably move there. She's always going on about how living in Tampa there's no winter wardrobe and she's been missing out on it"

I laughed "speaking of weather. You have warm clothes right?"

He shrugged "I think I'll be fine"

"Okay. I'm so excited to show you around where I grew up"

"Me too" he said "and here we are"

We had arrived at the airport departure drop off zone.

"Alright, Ali" Kev said pulling me in for a hug "have a safe flight"

"I'll relay that to the pilot" I grinned "I'll pick you up tomorrow at 10 from the airport"

He nodded and gave me a kiss

"Good luck tonight. Give me a call after if you want too"

"I will. Bye Ali"

"Bye Kev"

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