Chapter Four

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My Monday shift passed by quickly I was thankful for because I was tired through out the whole day. But every time I thought about last night, it brought a grin to my face and butterflies to my stomach.

Just as I opened the door to my apartment my phone rang.

"Hello" I answered

"Hey Ali, it's me" I grinned at the sound of Kev's voice

"Hi" I said grinning into my phone

"How was your shift?" He asked

"Busy, lots of the kids started chemo today"

"Poor kids" he said sympathetically

"What are you up too?" I asked sitting down on my couch and resting my tired feet

"Just relaxing at my place. We leave at 9am tomorrow to fly to Carolina"

"Very nice. That's so cool you get to fly to different places"

"It's okay" he didn't sound super enthusiastic "we are only there for short periods of time and it's not like we get to explore the city"

"I guess that would be a bummer" I agreed

"Have you eaten dinner yet?" He asked suddenly

"Nope, I was thinking of just ordering something. What's a good take out place around here?" I questioned

"I'll be over in 30minutes with the best take out you have ever tasted" he said before hanging up

He just invited himself over I realized and I couldn't help but feel excited about seeing him again. There was just something about him I couldn't get enough of. I went to shower and freshen up before he got here, throwing on lulu crops and a loose tee.

I was proud of myself this time that I was completely ready before he got here. It was like a challenge for me of how fast I could be ready to go somewhere. I had always been much quicker then my sisters when it came to getting ready for anything.

I still had 10 minutes before he said he would be here. I had just sat down on the couch again when my phone rang. I looked and saw it was my sister, Jayden.

"Hey Jay" I answered

"Sup, 'Son" I heard my sisters chime. I was on speaker phone "so we have a pickle, up here in TO, and thought you'd like to know"

I laughed "what's that?"

"Well, we got an invitation in the mail and it's addressed to you" Jayden said

"So naturally you guys opened it" I said rolling my eyes

"Yes, big Sis we did"

I heard a knock on my door. Damn that must be Kevin.

"Can I call you guys back?" I asked walking over to the door

"No, no we need to settle this now" Peyton said

"Okay, one minute then. I need to answer my door" I said

"Hey" I said grinning opening up the door and seeing Kevin standing holding a big brown take out bag

"Hello" he said grinning and kissing my cheek

"What did you get?" I asked

"Chinese" he answered setting the back down on my kitchen counter

"I love Chinese" I said breathing in the smell

"Hello! Alison! We are still here!" I could here the twins yelling from my phone

Calling the ShotsTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon