16; I want her

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Spoiled brats, one of those kids you see with every latest thing in their reach. He was one of those kids. All he had to do was place a finger on anything he wanted and he'd have it without any further questions. But today was different, his father wanted him to learn a word called 'patience'. Sadly, he was totally failing at this point in learning this particular word.

"Why can't I get what i want," He clutched his small palms tightly, screaming on top of his lungs. Right after, he ran up to his room and slammed the door hard. For a five year old kid, he was quite smart, and he knew what he wanted.

His parents were rich and they didn't care at first, all they wanted their only child to spoil as much as possible. They loved him with everything they had but lately his father thought to put some discipline into his kid's life before it's too late.

Too bad, he didn't realize it was a bit too late. They tried everything to make him happy but now all they want him to learn to be more patience with life, as he can't have everything and anything he wants, but it seemed like their little boy, wasn't up to that process anymore.

His father sat down on the brown wooden chair, rubbing his temples. He was tired of all the work in the company, he owns and now his child throwing tantrum. He can't deal with it, at least not right now.

"Maybe you should take him to the nearest park to play," The father suggested. "When he feels better take him to the biggest toy store and buy him whatever he likes," He continued.

His mother looked amused, "But you were the one to let him be patient. What about that?" She stood in front of him with hands on her hips. He sighed, removing his glasses, "If we can't teach him that now. Someone will later do that,"

The mother nodded her head, "Alright, I'll take him out," She turns around to the maid, "Go tell the driver to take out the car, me and young master is going to be out there in a few minutes," The maid bowed down respectfully and walked out of the living area.

She knocked on the door once, there was no reply from the other side so she did it again, "Honey, open the door," The mother said in a pleading tone. She turned the door knob and to her surprise it wasn't locked.

The door opened to reveal his face. He was sitting on his bed with headphones on, loud music playing and he had his eyes closed. She sighed, walking towards the little boy. He opened his eyes, taking off one of the earbuds off and gave his mother an annoyed look.

"Go away," He said simply.

She smiled softly before kneeling down in front of him. "Jiminie," She called his name out softly. He looked away with folded hands, puffing his cute chubby cheeks. He was angry and was showing it perfectly to his mother.

"How about I take you out?"

His eyes lightened up, immediately looking at his mother, "Where?" He said all excited.

"The children's park you always like to go," She suggested, wiggling her brow playfully. Jimin thought about it for a minute, until a huge grin appeared on his face. "I'll get ready." He jumped off the bed, running into his walk in closet.

The woman sighed in relief, getting up. She put the headphones back on the small table after switching off the pod off. She went downstairs to tell her husband that their kid agreed on going.

Moments later, Jimin came running downstairs in a red t-shirt and a pair of black denim short with shoes; it was a gift from his grandmother. He loved it so much that he wore these shoes almost everyday. His dark black hair was a mess as always, it was all over the place covering is small forehead since he never bothers to brush it.

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