39; Nothing remains the same

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"Kim Taehyung, are you listening to me?"

A rough jolt brought Taehyung out his monologue, grasping for some air to breathe, his chest heaved, small drops of moisture covered his face and neck.

Taehyung was in the hospital hallway, sitting with his back against the cold wall and looking at the surroundings closely; vision still blurry from the tears. That's when he saw the familiar face who stood with a horrific look, panicking.

It was the first time in ever, Taehyung saw that look on his face; fear.

"J-jimin.." Taehyung halted while holding out his hands for support to get up from the floor. His legs gave up on him a long time ago.

Jimin roughly grabbed him and yelled instantly, "If this is some kind of stupid bullshit you're playing on me.. you better stop it right now!"

Taehyung flinched at the tone of his voice, breathing heavy. He looked at his crying best friend who stood before him; hair messed, shirt wrinkled.

"It's.. it's not a prank. I swear," He told Jimin in between small cries that left his mouth. Taehyung leaned forward to hug Jimin but he himself did not have enough strength to carry his own weight so quickly stumbled back in his steps.

He was not ready to except it.. the truth.

Taehyung gasped as he covered his mouth struggling to finish his words, "I'm s-so sorr-yy..."

Jimin swallowed harshly, trying to digest the information that has received by his ears, visibly fighting for words. He was in shock, taken by surprise.

This wasn't how he planned to meet the love of his life after so long.. never in his darkest nightmare.

"How?" The words barely escaped his mouth, nothing made sense to him. When he saw Yoongi running towards him with bawling eyes.

Jimin immediately made Taehyung sit on the seat placed in the hallway and rushed towards Yoongi with fuming eyes. He was about to throw a punch on his face instead Yoongi grabbed him by the collar and shouted right on his face,

"The fuck you did to her, huh?"

Jimin felt his throat tightening, barely able to form words out of his mouth. He should be the one asking this question.. not him.

"Me? She was with you this whole time, asshole!"

Yoongi jerked him away, breathing heavily. Tears flowing down his cheeks, non stop. He was a mess, clearly visible and could not even stand straight. Recalling the last conversation he had with her, he choked a loud cry before speaking out,

"She was on her way to your office building, she was with you. How the fuck did this happen?"

"Me?" Jimin said hopeless and pushed Yoongi roughly, his back hitting the other side of the wall. The people who were crossing the hallway eyed them in horror and disgust. Hospital wasn't the place to create a drama yet here they were.

"I was waiting for her to come home, never was I at the company bu- Taehyung!"

Jimin paused as his eyes wandered towards the lost boy. Taehyung was curled up on the seat with his knees close to his chest, zoning out. He was disturbed deeply as he was the only who saw her in that horrendous condition; the imagines of her body dipped in blood flashed in his mind.

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