Chapter 7

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Chapter 7

                “Did you have a good sleep last night?” Alex asked, as I entered the kitchen the next morning.

                Alex had a blue bowl out that was filled with milk and some kind of sugary cereal.

                “Yeah, I did.” I muttered, pouring myself a glass of orange juice from his fridge.

                “Of course, you were all cuddled in my arms.” Alex smirked, stuffing a spoonful of cereal in his mouth.

                I choked on the tangy orange juice, as I stared at him with disbelief. “Excuse me? You came on to me!”

                Alex rolled his eyes. “Yeah, whatever.” He muttered sarcastically. “A few of the guy’s are coming over soon.”

                “Alright.” I said, staring down at the baggy clothes Alex lent me. “Do I have to get dressed or something?”

                “No.” Alex scoffed. “Who are you trying to impress?”

                I glared at him, as Alex poured the rest of his unfinished cereal in the sink. “No one.” I muttered, setting down my empty glass in the sink.

                An hour later, the door was pushed open, as Hayden rummaged through the door with Damian, Ashton, and two girls whom I’ve never met.

                “Aerial!” Hayden grinned when he saw me, coming over to give me a tight bear hug.

                I choked as I patted Hayden’s back. “Hayden- can’t breathe!” I coughed.

                Hayden immediately let go, giving me an apologetic smile. “Sorry, I just haven’t seen you around in a while.” He paused, remembering my phone call to him last night. “Did something happen last night?  You sounded kind of upset when you called me.”

                I shook my head, giving him a forced smile. “I’m fine now, I swear.” I lied, tearing my gaze away from him.

                Hayden bought my lie, as he nodded. “Oh! And sorry I couldn’t give you a place to stay last night. My parents were over, and they still wouldn’t forgive me for getting suspended a few weeks ago.”

                I frowned, giving him a smile. “I don’t even want to know about it.”

                Hayden chuckled, as my eyes wandered over to where the two girls, whom I’ve never met before, were. “Who are they?” I asked, keeping my eyes on the one who had messy dyed, red hair. She had black eyeliner covering her entire lid, and had pouty lipstick red lips. She was wearing leather tights, and a top that exposed the tattoo on her stomach. If that didn’t scream ‘badass’, then I didn’t know what did.

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