Chapter 13

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Chapter 13

                I arrived at Clarice’s house early a few mornings later, upon her requests. I walked up the front steps, ringing the doorbell that had a nice tune to it. I waited, staring at the maroon red door. I remember it used to be a creamy white back when Clarice and I were in middle school, but I guess a lot changes in two years.

               The door swung open, revealing Clarice’s father. He seemed to recognize me immediately, but it took me a while to process in his newly, aged look. He used to have a full head of golden blonde hair, but most of it has disappeared, leaving a noticeable bald spot in the middle. “Mr. Adams, good morning.” I forced a smile.

                Mr. Adams still seemed a bit shocked, but he settled down his morning newspaper, giving me a pat on the back. “Aerial Mason, it’s good to see you after so long.” He smiled down at me.

                I laughed briefly. “You too, Mr. Adams.”

                He cupped his hands around his mouth, calling for his wife, Carrie. “Carrie, come over here! There’s someone you’d love to see!”

                A few moments later, Mrs. Adams came from the kitchen, carrying a sweet scent of pancakes with her. She had a pink and white checked apron tied around her neck, and a bit of white flour on the side of her cheek. She was still as cheery and bubbly as the last time I saw her, two years ago. “Oh, my.” She covered her mouth. “Aerial Mason? Is that really you?”

                Man, this felt like a reunion party already.

                “Hi, Ms. Adams.” I waved gently.

                Ms. Adams gasped, pulling me in for a tight squeeze. “It really is you!” she beamed. “I never thought I’d ever see your face in this house ever again!”

                I smiled awkwardly, as Ms. Adams fumbled with my hair. “Jesus, you’ve grown up so beautiful!” she gushed, holding my arm in her hands. “Have you been eating, though? You’ve lost so much weight! Here, I just made some pancakes in the kitchen!”

                I laughed, shaking my head. “No thanks, Ms. Adams. I’m actually here because Clarice called me this morning.”

                Ms. Adams’ eyes widened. “Oh, really?” she grinned. “You and my little pumpkin are friends again?”

                I laughed bitterly, shrugging. “I guess so.”

                “Well she’s just upstairs in her room. You still remember the directions, do you?” she asked.

                I nodded, giving her a smile. “First door to the left.”

                She winked. “You got it.”

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