E I G H T E E N | E L E M E N T

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Element: The different tricks that are performed in figure skating 

Rosaura sat in utter silence as she stared out the window. Candles flickered behind her and pillows were thrown all over her couch. A scene that would normally provided serenity no longer did. She scowled while looking at her (very badly) bruised arm. She had talked her coaches into letting her continue on the ice, but the doctor gave her a firm no. And so now, she was staring and rotting away on her couch while the rest of the world geared up for the Grand Prix Finals.

The location had been Japan this year, a country she was dying to visit and that only added to her anger. A stupid injury had taken both her and Val out of the competition. Although the doctor did give her hope that she would be back in about two weeks, it still did not cool down her frustration. Her dreams felt so close, yet so far.

There was rapid knocking on her door and Rosaura frowned at the impatience being displayed. She very nearly tumbled over her pillow fort as she walked towards the door. She could hear Val's voice from a mile a way and he was badgering her to open the door. Rosaura opened the door with an annoyed expression.

"Why are you here Val?" she asked, hoping she could slam the door in his face.

As if predicating her next move, Val stuck his foot between the door and the frame. He gave her a once over and said sarcastically, "you look very jolly."

She was not in the mood to play with him, and walked back to her couch. Val unfortunately joined her. "Leave me alone in my misery while you skate on the ice."

Indeed, while Rosaura was not allowed on the ice, Val had been continuing his workouts and substituting their coach into the role so he could be prepared for her return. As much as Rosaura appreciated the dedication, it only meant that she would need to be her best after her return—another stress added to her already high laundry list.

Val frowned. "When I sprained my leg, I was not this insufferable." He concluded.

Rosaura threw a pillow at his face, "Yeah but you didn't get injured right before the Grand Prix Finals."

Val put a hand to his chin thoughtful, "that is fairly valid point I didn't think of earlier."

The two of them sat in silence for a while before Val said, "Get up, we are going out right now."

Rosaura fixed a glare at him. "Do you want me to write it on my forehead that I am not in the mood to go out?"

Val shrugged his shoulder. "I just realized that you haven't been to a proper hockey game. I was going to take you to the London Knights game and then afterwards you could hang out with Xavier..." he dangled her boyfriends name in front of her like a little carrot.

Rosaura's heart clenched. While she was miserable about her injury, it would be nice to go outside and see Xavier in action. Plus, it would allow her to spend more time with her boyfriend.

"Fine, I want to go." she said to Val.

He pretended not to hear her. "You were saying?"

She punched him in the shoulder. "I want to go the hockey game!" she nearly shouted.

Val smirked at her before taking something out of a white shopping bag she had not noticed before. Her eyes widened at the green London Knights sweater.

Val passed it to her, "Xavier sent it with me hoping that you would wear it tonight."

Rosaura's fingers traced the name Hommes sewed on the back. Then she slipped it on without another thought.

"When did you and Xavier become so buddy-buddy?" she asked, curiously getting the better of her.

Val gave her a secret smile. "That's something I will not share with you."

Rosaura rolled her eyes but got up to grab her purse from the room. She was out seconds later and slipped on a pair of converse. "Let's go, I'm ready to see my boyfriend now."


The atmosphere of the game was something else. The building was roaring, and Rosaura found herself joining in the noise as well. It was hard not to. The game was face-paced with good hockey from both sides. Rosaura had imagined it would be similar to the exhibition game but that had been child's play. This was real hockey, with real meaning for the players on the ice.

"It's crazy isn't it?" Brea shouted from beside her.

Rosaura nodded in agreement. She had been surprised to see the girl, but Val explained that Xavier had saved tickets for the three of them together. Rosaura looked up at the jumbotron counting down the seconds to the end of the game along with the crowd. When the final horn sounded she stood up and cheered as loud as she could for the boys.

Surprisingly, the game had taken her mind off the Grand Prix Finals and her injury. She also now understood Xavier's passion a bit better. The adrenaline, blades cutting the ice, were so similar to figure skating yet so different. They both put on a show on the ice but in different ways.

Val leaned in a whispered in her ear, "Aren't you glad that you came."

Rosaura turned to him and smiled, "yes, thank you for bringing me."

He nodded. "Wait here for a few minutes, Xavier will come and get us once he's done with the media."

Before Val could reply, there was a tap on her shoulder. She turned to see two young girls practically squealing.

"Are you Rosaura?" The elder one asked.

She nodded and that's when they noticed Val as well. They started squealing once again.

"Omg, can we get a picture with you both?"

Val shrugged his shoulders and the four of them posed for a photo.

"My Dad was telling us that you were here in London, using his team's facilities but I didn't believe it."

Rosaura looked closely at the girls and she could see the similarities between them and Xavier's coach.

"Is your dad the head coach for the London Knights?"

The younger one nodded quickly. That's when Rosaura remembered a long-forgotten promise. "Feel free to come by at one of our practices." she offered.

The girls gave her full-blown smiles as if they couldn't believe what was happening to them. They exchanged a few more words before they had to leave. Rosaura watched them leave smiling to herself. They seemed like good kids.

A pair of arms engulfed her and based on the scent she knew it was Xavier. She turned around and he pulled her into a long and hard kiss. She could vaguely hear Brea telling them to stop with the PDA, but she ignored all of the thoughts. They pulled away from there kiss and Xavier smiled gently at her before whispering in her ear. "You look wonderful in my jersey."

Rosaura blushed and jokingly pushed him away. Xavier then turned to their companions. He gave Brea a hug and Val one of those men hug/handshake.

"Shall we go out to eat?" he suggested.

The three of them nodded. And so, they left as a group, joking and smile, as one should. 


How long do you think the good times are going to last ;) Also, I'll be updating twice a week now so check out for that!

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