E P I L O G U E | M E E T I N G

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Rosaura pulled Val into a long hug. "That was amazing," she whispered.

"I think we've won." Val replied with a dazed look in his eyes.

Rosaura laughed. "I wouldn't go to far..."

She left his embrace and turned to face the crowd. There was thunderous applause before stuffed animals and flowers began to fly from the stands. Rosaura watched as the younger skaters picked them up, but she couldn't help herself from picking up a stuffed rose.

Her coaches pulled her into a tight hug.

"You're in the top three for sure." Laura said.

Rosaura merely squeezed her hand tightly in response. She knew her and Val had performed the skate of their lifetime, but all the awaited her from reaching her dreams was the score.

Moving towards the kiss and cry, the four of them sat down.


The numbers lit up the screen in front of them and Rosaura covered her mouth in shock. It was a new world record for total score and the two of them had set it!

They were the final skaters and so they were guaranteed the gold medal. She was going to be an Olympics Champion.

"We won the gold, we won the gold." Val chanted happily beside her.

Rosaura looked up at the ceiling, she knew her mom was watching their performance and she would be watching the medal ceremony as well. With laugher and joy she headed towards the changing room where her dad, Haya, and Brea stood. They engulfed her into a group hug.

"I'm so proud of you." Her dad said wiping away a few tears.

Haya gave her an honest smile and Brea gently tilted her body to the right where Rosaura was shocked to see Xavier standing.

The years had been good to him.

When Rosaura first met him, he was a boy but now he was a man. His brown hair was parted to the side and the brown eyes she knew so well were sparkling at her. He had a tentative smile on his face.

"What are you doing here?" she asked, her heart beating rapidly. Even though it had been years since she saw him, her body was reacting the same way.

He gave her a full blow smile. "Seeing you achieve your dreams."

Rosaura had no reply to that and so she pulled him into a tight hug. She blamed it on the euphoria of the win. His head rested onto of her hair and he kissed her forehead. "I missed you." he whispered, rubbing her back gently.

Chocking up, Rosaura replied. "I missed you too."

"I never should have left you all those years ago..." he started but Rosaura stopped him.

"This is not the time right now."

He nodded and smiled. "You're right. How about you meet me at the hot chocolate café a few blocks down after your done with your ceremony and the media."

"Okay," Rosaura said timidly. "Will you stay until then?"

His grasped her hand within his. "For you my rose, always."

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