T W E N T Y - F I V E | D I S T A N C E

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NOTE: This is a unique chapter as it is told in both Rosaura and Xavier's POVs. Additionally, there are many time jumps so Xavier's pov will be normal while Rosaura's will be italicized.

Xavier | Rosaura

3 Days after the Nationals

He called her once again, she didn't pick up. Ten missed calls. He looked through the window outside. The snow fell softly into white powdery blankets, he knew deep within his heart he had lost her. There was nothing left for him here anymore, he needed to return back to his team, his people. The only thing was, Rosaura was one of his people too. He laughed bitterly before purchasing his ticket back. This entire trip had been a fucking waste.

2 Days after the Nationals

Rosaura stood at the cemetery and watched as the casket was lowered into the ground. Haya's fingers encapsulated hers tightly. Who knew that it would be there mother's death the brought them closer. Rosaura wished to see her mothers smile once more but she knew it wasn't possible. She felt her phone buzzing again and knew it was probably Xavier calling her. She didn't answer. One heartbreak was enough at a time.

After the funeral Rosaura explained to Haya that she was leaving.

"Where will you go?" her sister asked.

Rosaura gave her a sad smile. "I don't know, but I can't stay here."

Haya nodded before giving her a tight hug that felt like their mother's. Rosaura almost burst into tears right then and there.

10 Days after the Nationals

Xavier felt an emptiness inside of him that he hadn't expected. He was with the boys again, they were winning games, but he missed Rosaura. He could not longer visit the history museum without being assaulted with the memories of their date. She had destroyed his love for the museum. He was pathetic, foolish. He turned to the drink in his hands and swallowed once more. His throat burnt but at least it would take away the pain temporarily. Anything was better than a heartbreak.

5 Days after the Nationals

It was not easy explaining to Val that she needed a break.

"This is ridiculous Rosaura, it's supposed to be us together until the Olympics."

She fixed him a sad smile and continued packing her suitcase. "But there is no Olympics is there?"

"But there could be," Val pleaded. "We have a chance to make it for the 2022 Olympics."

Rosaura shook her head. "I need a break from skating. It's become a chore now, and as much as I love you, I need a break from you as well. The two of us have always been together but I need to do some exploring on my own."

Val paused, as if realizing how serious she truly was. He closed the distance between them and pulled her in a hug. "Email me on occasion, even if its just to say hi."

74 Days after the Nationals

Xavier hoisted the Memorial Cup above his shoulders. A sense of euphoria filled his body as he looked towards the stands and saw his parents and Brea cheering him on. It was his last year in the league and he had captured the cup and the MVP title as well.

When Rosaura left him, it impacted him a lot. He felt alone at times and wanted to wash his sorrows with a few beers. However, he focused his efforts hockey and they seemed to pay off. The hole was slowly starting to mend itself.

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