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I felt awkward, standing there in my tattered jacket and muddy boots. My car was parked down the narrow street, squeezed uncomfortably between two minis. Theo's home looked like a doll's house, all neatly folded in on itself, small but cozy.

I took a deep breath and knocked on the door, unsure as to what to do with my hands, settling for just stuffing them into my pockets. A few short moments later and the door swung open. Theo smiled shyly up at me, hastily shuffling out onto the front step and shutting the door behind him softly. "Hey." He greeted. "Sorry, I-I just wanted to...I d-don't know, before my parents..." He sighed in defeat, his fingers trembling in the cold. "Sorry Milo roped you into th-this."

I shrugged, "It's okay." I assured him. "Your parents aren't scary though, right?"

He chuckled, glancing over his shoulder briefly before leaning up to balance on his tiptoes. He planted his lips against my cheek momentarily, not giving me a chance to react before spinning around and heading into the house. I grinned to myself as I followed, my fingertips tracing the ghost of his lips.

The corridor was small but warm, giving off a homely glow, magnified by the pairs of wellies lazily pushed up against the wall and the coats draped over the crooked hat stand. Daisy came rushing over immediately, her tail wagging crazily. I was anticipating her jumping up to try and reach my face, just like Bugsy did. But then I remembered how well trained she was and leant down to stroke her. "Do I get to meet your pet snake?" I asked.

Theo nodded, "S-Sure, I'll show you her after dinner."

Daisy trotted after us as we wandered into the kitchen, meeting the rest of the Hart family. Milo was leant back in his chair, his feet propped up on the dining table as he droned on about a video game. His Mother - who I'd already met briefly - was rolling her eyes, entertaining her eldest son's ramble. A man who I assumed to be his Father was dishing everything up on the counter, turning around to face us as we entered the small, messy kitchen. Recipe books were laying open on every surface, dirty plates were piling up in the sink, the cupboards were hanging ajar and damp laundry was draped over the back of the chairs.

"Ah, you must be Luca." Mr Hart smiled politely, wiping his hands on a tea towel before extending it to me.

"It's nice to meet you, sir." I nodded curtly, shaking his hand firmly.

"I wouldn't touch him if I were you Dad, he's got chlamyd-"

"Milo, shut up." Theo hissed at his older brother, glaring at him threateningly. Milo had told him? Well, that's just great. I don't even have chlamydia and now Theo thinks I do.

Ms Hart cleared her throat awkwardly as we all took our places around the table, digging into our food. "Teddy doesn't have friends over very often." Mr Hart declared bluntly, slicing into a piece of rigid broccoli. Theo groaned in embarrassment, his eyes not straying from the food in front of him, "So, how did you two meet?"

"School." I answered vaguely.

Milo scoffed, "Even though you're a year older."

"We treated his dog." Theo interjected quietly. "A-And he helped me out with the k-kittens."

"Did you manage to give them all away?" I inquired.

"All six of them." Ms Hart smiled proudly.

"That's great." I smiled happily, fondly remembering their little whiskered faces.

"So, you two are just friends, right?" Theo's Father asked skeptically, waving his fork between the pair of us as both our faces heated up, glowing red.

"Y-Yes, Dad." Theo grumbled in embarrassment.

"I'm just asking." He rose his hands in surrender, smirking at his wife.

The Dutch Boy [BxB]حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن