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I marched towards her on Monday, the canteen bustling and buzzing around me, conversation and ringing laughter drifting between each full table. Sam was sat with some of her other friends, laughing away at a cheap joke, not even noticing my livid expression until I slammed my hands down on the table. They all fell into silence. "What the fuck, Sam!" I hissed angrily.

She rose her brows, her expression smug as she watched me, "Oh, hey, Luca. What's up?"

"I'm calling the police." I growled.

"For what?"

"For what you did to Theo!" I exclaimed darkly.

"I don't know what you're talking about." She chuckled as the entire table watched us curiously.

I grabbed her upper arm, dragging her away from the table and yanking her towards the corner of the canteen, out of ear shot. "You think you're funny or something?"

She glanced over her shoulder, her posture relaxing slightly as she let out a long sigh, "You don't fucking get it, Luca!" She whispered sharply. "To have someone use you for sex over and over. I'm a person, not a toy!"

My brows furrowed in pure confusion, "What are you talking about? You used me just as much as I used you! It was a mutual agreement, Sam."

"Hey, fuck you, Bakker." She spat. "How can you expect me not to care about you when you're so good at pretending to care about me?" She demanded.

I was taken aback by her words, remaining in stunned silence as she watched and waited expectantly for a response. "What are you saying? That you...like me or something?"

She rolled her eyes dramatically, "Yeah. Maybe I fucking do, alright?"

"What the fuck?" I laughed incredulously. "Hey, if you fell for me, then that's your own fucking fault, okay? I never led you on. We were friends with benefits, and nothing more."

"You never led me on?" Now it was her turn to laugh humourlessly. "You were practically my boyfriend."

"What?" I questioned quizzically. "I was horny and there you were. That's it. I've never been your boyfriend." I ran my fingers through my tangled hair in annoyance, "You can't just deface someone's property, Sam! It's fucking illegal!"

"I didn't do anything." She spat. "Besides, I've already gotten over you, anyway. I have a new boyfriend; his name is Eddie."

My jaw dropped, my eyes widening in shock, "You're the most pathetic, desperate piece of shit I've ever met. I can't believe I ever fucked you!" I was fuming, practically a ball of raging fiery anger. "I'm calling the police-"

She grabbed my arm in an iron hold, "Don't. Otherwise I'll out you to the whole school."

I shrugged nonchalantly, "Not if I do it first." I winked, turning on my heels.

I marched towards the nearest table, pushing some trays aside and hopping up onto the bench. I climbed clumsily onto the table as an uncomfortable, curious silence descended across the previously buzzing room. Most of the school was here. Everyone would be able to hear what I had to say. "Hey!" I shouted, my mouth cupped by my hands. Every pair of eyes were on my towering form, elevated above everyone else. "I have something to say." I didn't need to raise my voice. The large canteen was deathly silent by now.

I didn't know if this was a good idea or not. But I would be going on study leave in a couple of days. After that, I'd only come in to do my exams. I'd never have to step foot in this building again. In a few short weeks, my exams would be completely finished and I'll be free. Plus, everyone already knew Theo was gay, so I knew I wouldn't be throwing him under the bus.

I scanned the crowds briefly, my eyes landing on Theo. He was with Phoenix, stood frozen with his tray, staring up at me blankly. "I have a boyfriend." I announced to the quiet students below, "Is that cool with everyone? Cool." I shrugged before hopping off the table again.

I shoved past Sam on the way out, smirking triumphantly, "Oh, and by the way." I murmured under my breath, "Theo's way better in bed than you ever were." I winked, smiling playfully before exiting the canteen, feeling a whole lot lighter.

The corridor was deserted. Linoleum floors and metal lockers. Void of the usual loud chatter. Once I was alone in the empty space, I actually laughed, a wide, relieved smile spreading across my face. But I only had a few moments of quiet, before Theo burst through the doors of the canteen, joining me in the silence of the hall. "W-Why did you do that?" He asked softly.

I grinned, "Because I'll be gone soon. And I don't care about what anyone thinks. You don't deserve to be hidden away like that." I didn't even wait for a reply before marching over to him, grabbing his waist and pulling his body flush against mine. But surprisingly, it was Theo who initiated the kiss, grabbing my face and slamming his lips against mine.

I kissed him back hard, pouring every ounce of affection and longing into his mouth, kissing him like I'd just won a battle.

And I think I love him.

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