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I called Phoenix to tell him to come straight over and not look at his phone until he got here. He was - understandably - confused by my request, but agreed nonetheless. I knew Sam would try and tell him everything as soon as she got the chance, but this was my secret. My story. My explanation. It was my duty to tell him.

My family came home shortly after Theo left, and Phoenix's knock at the door echoed through the house only a few moments later. I waited for someone else to answer and send him upstairs, and a couple of minutes later, my bedroom door flew open without any warning. "What's going on?" Phoenix asked the second he'd shut my door behind him.

I started pacing back and forth, my hands interlocked, my fingers weaved together as I tried to untangle my messy thoughts. I was at a complete loss as to how I was going to break this to him. Did I ease him into it? Did I just blurt it out? What's the right way to do this stupid thing?

"I'm not ready to tell you." I started abruptly, the words spilling from my mouth before I could stop them. "But Sam...Sam found out and if I don't say something, she will." I sighed heavily. "Promise not to freak out?"

He stared at me skeptically, his brows twitching into a frown as his ocean eyes watched me intensely. "Okay..."

"Theo and I are dating." I spat out. "And no, I'm not gay. I don't know what I am, I'm just me. Just...just Luca. And I'm dating a boy. That's all there is to it, okay?"

He surprisingly didn't look too fazed. Merely curious. "Why are you telling me this?" He asked calmly.

I opened my mouth to retaliate before shutting it swiftly, "Well...because-"

"I already know, you twat." He rolled his eyes dramatically.

"D-Daya told you?" I asked, gnawing on my lower lip.

He rose his brows quizzically, "Daya knows too?"

"Oh, shit, Tommy told you-"

"Tommy knows?" He asked in exasperation. The similarity between his and Theo's reactions to that news nearly made me laugh. "I'm the last one you've told?"

"No, it's not like that!" I hastily corrected. "You're the only one I've told. The rest found out on their own! I came out accidentally to Day and Tom, and Sam...well, Sam walked in on us making out." I tried to explain. "So...how did you know?"

He collapsed onto my bed, taking a deep breath as if preparing for a long speech. "Remember ages ago when my friend spotted you guys practically cuddling at the bowling alley?" He reminded me.

My eyes widened. I'd completely forgotten about that. "We weren't even together back then." I tried to justify.

"Okay, but then there was the lube in his locker." He added. "That was such a classic Luca Bakker joke, you could spot it a mile away." He scoffed at my expense. "And the whole thing about Teddy liking foreign boys. Come on, you're practically the definition of a sexy foreigner stealing a local's heart."

"This doesn't make sense, you couldn't possibly use any of this to conclude that we were dating." I huffed, folding my arms tightly over my chest. I was just pissed off. I thought we'd done a good job of keeping our relationship a secret, but clearly not.

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