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Daya was watching me from across the table, prodding her salad in disinterest, her sculpted brows pulled together. The rest of the noisy canteen had faded into a dull buzz, the chatter all blurring into one fuzzy mess. She looked curious, as if she was trying to understand a complicated maths problem. "Uh...Day?" I rose my brows expectantly.

"Huh?" Her foggy eyes cleared up and she looked like she was being woken up from a long sleep, snapping her attention back to the conversation unfolding around us.

I kicked her under the table warningly, causing her to grunt in pain. "Quit it." I hissed under my breath, my eyes darting around nervously.

"I'm trying to picture it." She teased, ignoring the chatter amongst our other friends. "You and..." She glanced over her shoulder, fixing her focus on Theo, his head bowed as he scribbled an essay at lightning speed, his food untouched. "He's cute." She commented. "You don't mind me saying that, right?"

"Why would I mind?" I scoffed, trying to swallow my anxiety, hoping that my other friends wouldn't suddenly decide to listen in. So far, we were safe. They were having a heated debate about who they'd eat first in a famine and it didn't look like they'd be ready to zone out any time soon.

She smirked smugly, "He's your man, isn't he?"

I kicked her again, leaning over the table, my voice dangerously low, "Say it a bit louder, I don't think the lunch ladies heard you."

"Will you relax?" She urged, her eyes still flicking between me and Theo. "I'm trying to decide." She mused, her head cocked to the side.

"Decide what?" I pressed through clenched teeth, desperate for her to just shut up already.

"I would. I definitely would."

"Care to elaborate?" I growled, stabbing my pasta.

"I was just deciding whether I'd ever go for someone like him. He's fucking adorable, don't you think? What am I saying? Of course you agree with me."

"Oh my god, Daya, you're a fucking nightmare."

"Oh, come on, I'm happy for you." She grinned. "Is he a good kisser?"

Yes. "None of your business."

"Does this mean you get discounts on dog food?"

"Daya." I groaned.

"Are you going to tell your parents?" She asked excitedly. "Are you going to tell my parents?"

"What? Why would I do that?"

"Because if you don't, I will. You know I tell them everything."

"Not this." I snapped. "You can't tell anyone about this, Daya, okay? Otherwise I'll tell Tommy about how you fake it during sex."

She gasped, "That is a low blow." She pouted. "Plus, it's not like I do it all the time! He's just..." Her eyes drifted to her boyfriend, laughing at something Phoenix had said. "He's not very good." She admitted. "But he's so happy when he thinks I'm enjoying myself, so I just...Hey, wait, stop changing the subject."

I smiled triumphantly, allowing myself a sneaky glance over her shoulder. He was sat on his own in the corner, pressing his glasses up his nose, chewing on the end of his pen in concentration. His eyes landed on me and he blushed, smiling shyly. I smiled back.

"Oh my god, that was adorable." Daya squealed, finally making an effort to keep her voice under control. "He's so shy."

"Stop staring at him like a creep." I whispered.

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