Chapter 1: Miss Silver

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 “It’s nice to meet you, Lila."

 “It’s nice to meet you too," I replied, taking a seat next to Claire, a new classmate I had been assigned to sit next to. She was pretty and English, with rounded cheeks and a curvy body. Her lips were a pretty pink color and her blonde hair was up in a top knot bun. She looked absolutely gorgeous, and I vaguely wondered if it was fair for the teacher to have put me next to a girl who was clearly goddess material.

Claire opened her mouth to say something, but was quickly cut off by the teacher, whose name I still didn’t know, when he clapped his hands again and started the lesson. She looked apologetic for a moment before turning her attention to the teacher. I had no idea what his name was since he hadn't introduced himself to me nor had he introduced me to the class. He had just sent me to the back row of the class to sit with Claire and started the lesson. I wasn't sure whether I was grateful for the lack of attention or a little offended that he didn't care a lick about my presence.

The next hour was incredibly boring as the teacher droned on and on. Since I had already learned everything he was talking about at my old school, I didn’t bother to pay attention. Instead I looked around at all my new classmates, trying to learn their faces for later. It was odd to sit in a new classroom full of unfamiliar faces. It felt familiar, but also as if something was off by just the slightest.

I had gotten used to the kids from my old high school in Ohio, even if I had watched them go through puberty and that had changed them slightly. They may have grown older, but they were still the same people and I knew them. I was on completely new territory here and didn't particularly want to be left behind, especially since I had transferred midway the first half of the year. Claire seemed friendly though, albeit the rest of my classmates looked as bored with me as if I were a new assignment they were dreading having to deal with.

 As I people watched, I came across two guys sitting in the opposite corner from me, staring at me occasionally while whispering. Hmmm, maybe not everyone was as uninterested as I had thought.

One of them had shaggy brown hair, dark green eyes and a firm jaw. The guy sitting next to him had black hair that was so short it was a buzz cut, and had the sharpest blue eyes I’d ever seen. While the brown haired one looked cute, all rounded soft features, the other had a slightly sharper and more angular face. He looked kind of scary actually.

The one thing that drew me to look at these two was their whispers. Their eyes drifted to me every once in a while, and I wished I could make out what they were saying. Hopefully they weren't talking about me.

The one with sky blue eyes looked excited, surprising since he looked so frightening, and was practically bouncing in his seat like a hyper puppy, while the brown haired boy had his hand on the other boy’s arm, physically trying to stop the jittery habits of the other.

I narrowed my eyes at them. When they caught me looking, I wiggled my fingers in the most subtle wave I could manage and made a face at them. They both grinned and I rolled my eyes before turning back to look at the teacher.


The morning passed uneventfully, and I was relieved when it finally hit lunch time. When I entered the cafeteria, I was a little overwhelmed at the crowd of strangers. At least until I saw a familiar figure hovering uncertainly several feet away.

“Ivy!” I shouted. The girl turned at my shout, a relieved smile lighting up her pale face.

Ivy was my step-sister and has been since I was three.  Physically we obviously looked nothing alike; her long blonde hair, pale skin, tall, willowy figure and brown eyes were a sturdy contrast to my dark brown hair, tanned skin, shorter physique and green eyes. But personality wise, we were practically two peas in a pod. We liked to joke that we were long lost sisters, reincarnated into different families that were fated to meet in order to bring us together again.

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