Chapter 12: Bad Week

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When I woke up Monday morning, I had no idea what to expect. I had no clue how to act around Matt and no idea what was going to happen with Wyatt.

I allowed myself a minute of grim satisfaction. I had never really had guys like me this much before, and as if the Universe wanted to make up for it, they gave me two guys at the same time.

When Ivy, Claire and I left the theater they wanted all the dirty details. So I told them the truth; halfway through the movie Matt held my hand and that was it.

Okay, technically that wasn’t the truth. Or at least not all of it. And that wasn’t even close to a dirty detail. I had plenty of dirty details about Wyatt though, and the bathroom incident in particular, but I decided to keep everything that Wyatt and I did together a secret.

I hadn’t even told them that I left not long after Matt…made a move…and went to the bathroom because I chickened out.

They both squealed in union, making me cringe and cover my ears against the high pitched sound. They seemed incredibly happy for me, but for some reason I couldn’t quite work up the energy to get excited about having Matt like me. It was flattering sure, but it didn't make me feel as excited as the girls were.

After the little incident with Wyatt in the bathroom, I had the most inexplicable sense of guilt and grief, and I couldn’t seem to shake it. Even Ivy noticed, and while she didn't question my lack of enthisuasm, she did give me a mildly concerned look.

My glum mood was still there on Monday and I dressed accordingly. Black jeans, black long sleeved hoodie, with matching dark circles under my eyes from the lack of sleep for the past week. I left my hair down so I could at least hide behind it when Matt and Wyatt were around.

So as I got off the school bus at school, I took a deep breath and prayed that everything would turn out okay.

But we all knew that God enjoyed making my life difficult.

I had successfully managed to avoid Wyatt, Matt and the rest of my pack until lunch. So when the bell rang to signal lunch time, I felt dread setting in. No way to avoid them now.

I dragged my feet to my locker, opened it, grabbed my lunch and made my way sluggishly towards the cafeteria. My pack was already sitting at the table and I felt my heart skip a beat when I noticed Matt look up at me. He smiled and I looked down at my feet as I walked, until I reached the table and sat down at my usual place.

“Holy cow, Lila, are you okay?” Dakota asked, concern clear in her voice.

“Yeah, you look like crap,” Mirah added.

I didn’t look up at either of them. I simply grunted and folded my arms on the table, burying my face in my arms so I could hide.

“Lila, what’s wrong?” Matt asked, I felt his hand stroking my hair. I stiffened. That was so unlike Matt. And then my tired brain remembered last night’s ‘date’ and I relaxed again, realizing that that was probably how Matt was going to continue acting unless I said otherwise.

“Nuding,” I said, my voice muffled.

“What?” I heard Jared ask in confusion.

I lifted my head, stared straight into Jared’s blue eyes with my half closed one’s and said “Nothing,” very slowly so he could understand before dropping my head back on to my arms.

I felt a comforting hand pat my back. Dakota. “Let’s just leave her be guys.”

Thank you, Dakota! I thought gratefully, but I was too tired to form the words.

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