Chapter 8: Infuriating

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I walked to English class feeling utterly terrified. What if Wyatt was there? Did he know that I knew what he was? Would he be mad? Did he hate me? He couldn't think I was a killer, could he? I mean apologized for glaring because I didn't deserve it....

Questions ran through my brain faster than I thought possible and my head was hurting more and more with every minute.

For some reason, I was one of the first few people in class. Perhaps feeling incredibly anxious made me walk faster…or maybe I just wasn’t paying attention. Either way, I was here with only a few students.

And Wyatt was one of them.

I passed his desk without looking at him. I kept my head high and stared straight ahead until I reached my desk all the way at the back, where I sank into my chair, relieved that I'd passed without incident. Atleast, I was relieved for about .2 seconds.

Wyatt was suddenly standing in front of my desk, and I swallowed hard, feeling my heart pounding in my chest. What did he want?

“Well?” he finally asked after a moment of silence.

“Well what?” 

“They told you this weekend."

“Yes, they did.”


“And what?”

“You aren’t going to say anything?”

“What do you mean?”

“I just figured you’d want to insult me. You know, call me a leech, a bloodsucker, a murderer of human teenagers,” he ticked each name off each of his fingers.

“Why would I do that?” My stomach dropped on the last one. Was he actually a murderer or was he just kidding?

“Don’t you hate me?” He asked, clearly thrown at how nonchalant I was.

“Why would I hate you? You did nothing wrong." That I knew of anyways. But no matter the thoughts that flitted about my brain like pesky birds, I had a feeling in my gut that he was innocent. Seeing him now, in front of me, made some of those doubts slip away.

A slow smile spread across his face and it made my heart skip a beat. I fought the smile that threatened to take over my face. That grin was infectious and I clealy was not immune. Damn it, why did he have to smile like that?

“That’s good then,” he said, still grinning warmly at me.


He shook his head. “Nuh-uh. I don’t believe you’re ready for that little tidbit of information."

I groaned, covering my face with my hands. Why did everyone feel the need to keep everything from me?

“Don’t worry, I’ll tell you soon,” he said, touching my wrist briefly.

I jerked away out of instinct and surprise. I felt like I had just been shocked, but in a good way. Why did that keep happening? Did he do it on purpose to shuffle his feet across the floor or something just to shock me when he touched me or what?

“Sorry,” I winced, pulling my hand far away from him.

“It’s alright, it’s to be expected. You’ll just have to get used to me,” he assured me.

“Get used to you?” What in the world was that supposed to mean?

“All will be explained soon,” he said cryptically  before inhaling deeply. “Your friends are coming, so I suppose I should leave you alone now."

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