Chapter 43: A Very Merry Christmas Indeed

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Okay, the whole ‘being friends’ thing so wasn’t working out. I think it had to be my worst idea ever.

Every night for the past week Wyatt had come to my bedroom and we spent a few hours together...before Wyatt headed back home.


He didn’t even stay the night. Obviously he was taking this ‘good behavior’ thing seriously. Not only did he not spend the night, but he hadn’t even touched me. Not a kiss on the cheek, touching my hand...not even a bloody hug. At least he was respecting my decision and not pushing me for anything, so I couldn't really be too mad.

When we sat on my bed we chatted, and I learned that although I’d known him for a couple of months now, I didn’t really know all that much about him. We’d taken to playing sort of like twenty questions, just asking each other random questions while we tried to learn about each other.

That was fun and all; it was nice to finally learn more about Wyatt than I had already known.

But the space between us was infuriating. Sometimes it was a large gap with me on one side of the bed and him on the other, or sometimes it was incredibly tiny gaps that were only consisted of an inch or so between us.

I couldn’t decide which was worse; the big gaps or the tiny gaps that with one slight shift in my weight would make it so I was touching him.

By the end of the week, I was ready to go insane. I was thankful that tonight was Christmas Eve, so all our family had driven or flown down to our house from across the country to party over the holidays. That meant our house was crammed with people. There was hardly a moment of silence in my house since my family came to visit except for when everyone was sleeping. And even then there were loud snores echoing from every corner. Thankfully it wasn't too bad since most family had decided to stay at hotels for the holidays.

I was just glad that only Ivy was bunking with me. It would have been hell if there had been a whole group of us in one room. 

But anyways, since it was Christmas Eve and everyone was partying that meant my presence was required downstairs and Wyatt had to be at his house for his own family party.

Part of me was annoyed at the fact that I probably wouldn’t be able to see him tonight while the other part was glad. At least I wouldn’t be tempted to just jump him when he came through my window.

But while I was dancing with all my other cousins, aunts, uncles, sister, Grandma, father and anyone else there I caught a brief scent above the crowd of my loud, laughing family.

My own laugh was cut short when I caught the scent, and I stopped dancing to sniff curiously.

“I have to go to the bathroom,” I called to Ivy. She gave me the briefest nod, her curled blond hair bouncing as she shook her hips and got her groove on with Grandma.

I scurried away from the dance floor (the living room), dodging out of the way of my dancing and chatting family members before I finally made it to the stair case. I hurried up the steps, cursing Ivy for making me wear heels in the house, even though they were only an inch or two high. I continued my ungraceful sprint up the landing until I reached my room, where I found a very handsome Wyatt leaning against my wall. He looked incredibly good looking with his fancy black pants and white button up shirt. Obviously, his family also had a rule about being somewhat formal in your dress for Christmas parties.

I myself was wearing a tight black dress that went much lower in the front that I was used too. It swished around my calves as I danced, which made me want to twirl even more when I saw the skirt swirl around me.

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