Chapter 9: Laws of Nature

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Ivy must have been really intent on her conversation with whoever was on the phone because only over half an hour later did she come into my room, while I was already engrossed in homework.

“So….who’s Wyatt?” she asked casually.

“The guy I introduced you to like…half an hour ago,” I replied, not really paying attention.

 My math homework was incredibly easy, but I still wanted to finish it as soon as possible. And Ivy talking to me wasn’t going to help me get it done any faster.

“Obviously, but isn’t he the guy you were staring at the first day of school?” She asked, looking incredibly curious.

“Yeah, so?”

“Well, are you two together?”

I stood up so sharply that my chair fell backwards. “We are not together!” I practically shouted, heat creeping up my neck and into my face.

“Then why is he walking you home? And why are you so defensive?” Ivy looked incredibly amused now.

“He walked me home because I missed the bus and he was just being nice. And I’m getting defensive because I don’t want people to start assuming things about us!”

“Ooh, ‘us’,” Ivy giggled, wiggling her eyebrows.


“Sorry, it’s just I’ve never seen you this way before.”

“What way?” I asked, confused.

“Always blushing, daydreaming, getting defensive,” she ticked each trait off her fingers.

“I always act like that,” I mumbled.

“Yeah, but since we moved here it seems like all those things just sort of…intensified.”


“Well, I figure it’s because you fancy someone," she replied.

“Fancy?” I asked, arching an eyebrow.

“I mean, like someone. Sorry, Claire is really starting to rub off on me."

“Even if I did like someone,” Ivy’s face lit up, “Which I don’t, but if I did, I shouldn’t be acting any different than usual.”

“And why not?”

“Because I’ve had boyfriends before, remember?” I said, reminding her. “And I didn’t change then, did I?”

“Yeah, but you never really liked them. You liked them as friends, sometimes even less than that, but you never truly cared about a guy before.” She pointed out. "I’m just assuming that you’ve found a guy that you really like. That’s all I’m saying.”

I sighed. “Sorry for getting snippy, I’m just confused.”

“Confused about what? Love?” she drawled, grinning.

I glared and she re-arranged her features so she was serious.

“Sorry, I’ll stop joking now.” She promised. “What are you confused about?”

“Everything,” I replied.

“Well, that’s a lot.” 


“Are you going to tell me about it?”


“Why not?” Ivy pouted.

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