3. "i miss you"

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I'm halfway done the first week and so far it's been pretty enjoyable. I bumped into Anthony at bathrooms this morning and we had a chat before I realized I was almost late to class. Since we've been hanging out every night, we've gotten closer, but there's still so much about him that I don't know.

He would say really random cryptic things sometimes. Or do things like disappear for a little while and then come back like nothing ever happened, and I feel like he's hiding something from me. He also said something strange to me today. "Love lies in those unsent drafts in your mailbox."

And I'm still trying to figure out what it means.

Since we've all gotten introduced each other more, we've formed this little 'food squad' as we call it, and we all eat breakfast, lunch, and dinner together. It consists of Me, Anthony, Cam, Parker, Clark, Sage, who is this really sweet girl in my introduction to psychology class, and Lawrence, a guy from Cam's drama class. They're my new family and I feel at home with them.

Every night our little group gets bigger as we jump from party to party and I hate to admit it, but I'm actually having fun. Parker has gotten pretty close with Anthony's group of friends and so have I. My classes are pretty interesting as well but the work is really starting to pile on. Only half of the week has gone by, and I don't think my organs can take any more drinking.

Everything is just so fast-paced.

College is no joke.

I had two classes today in the morning and as soon as I got back to my room I flopped right onto my bed. "Rough morning?" Cam snickered. She was leaning against her wall in bed with her laptop on her lap. I flipped over to face her and tried to figure out how it is exactly that she can bounce back so quickly. I'm still hungover from the first party we went to.

"Hey I'm going out with Parker tonight, is that okay?" she stares.

"Yeah of course." I furrow my brows at her. Why would she even need to ask?

She excitedly hopped off of her bed immediately, got her makeup bag and began prepping for what I assume is her date, tonight. I decided to pull out my laptop as well and get started on my theory's of attraction assignment since I have nothing better to do.

It's a proven fact that the Amygdala shuts down when the brain is in love, causing the individual to experience rose-colored glasses. These glasses interfere with one's memory, decision-making abilities and thoughts.

The room was filled with peaceful silence, the sound of keyboards clicking and the odd deep breath every once in a while. I glanced out of my window for a split second and admired the other buildings and the way the sun reflected on the windows.

I felt strange. It's only been a few days and Cam already seems so adjusted to the new environment, but for me when I look out that window, I still expect to see my old streetlight. And hear those familiar voices in the hallway. And wake up to the loud sound of video games coming from my living room.

I hadn't even noticed that Cam stepped out for a bit and when she came back she had two cups with chocolate ice cream in her hands, which really brightened up my mood. We sat for a bit and talked, then I tried to get back work and concentrate on this assignment about love but I kept thinking about Sawyer.

I groaned loudly when suddenly there was a knock on the door. It opened and Parker waltzed in to greet Cam excitedly. She was already dressed and almost out the door. "I'll be back later tonight okay?". She ran over and kissed the top of my head. "Don't wait up." Is the last thing I hear before she skips out of the room, with her hand in his.

I chuckle to myself and shake my head. The room became even quieter now that I was all alone. I tried to get back to work but after a while, I just couldn't focus anymore.

So I messaged Sawyer.

I miss you. How are you?

I waited a bit and put my phone down. Seconds later, as soon as I heard it vibrate, notifying me that I have a new message, I picked it up so fast I nearly dropped it.

I'm good, really stressed though. Can't wait to see you this weekend ;)

A big goofy grin forms on my face as I think about seeing him. It's hard being away for two days, let alone a week.

I miss you, touching you, holding you.

I hold a breath and my palms get sweaty when I read the next text from him.

Baby, can you send me something? To keep me going for the rest of the week?

I bite my lip just thinking about it. A million thoughts race through my mind and the passion just overcomes me. I run over to my door and lock it, just in case. I fix my hair quickly and pull out my phone to snap a photo. I take a few but none of them seem good enough. Finally, after a few minutes of posing in front of my mirror, I pick the perfect one and send it.

Anticipation bubbles inside of me as I wait for his response.

God. I can't believe you're all mine.

I could almost hear his voice in my head as I read that. It made me want to drop everything and drive over to him right now. This weekend couldn't take any longer to come. Suddenly I heard loud voices coming from the halls then I checked the time. It was already 8 and I remembered that it's movie night in my dorm.

I thought since this assignment isn't going anywhere and I have nothing better to do then I might as well join them. I need a distraction.

I throw on a pair of comfortable leggings and a green hoodie, then I walk over to the couches in the common area. They were setting up the movie on a VCR and everyone was slowly filling up the room already. I found a spot in the back and got comfortable while they put the Breakfast Club on screen.

The movie progressed and I noticed lots of movement on the couch next to me. I glanced over a few times and saw this guy and girl touching each other and getting real cozy. I tried to shift my focus on Bender on the screen but they started making out and I just got jealous. I wish Sawyer was here with me.

No one else seemed to notice or care so after a while I just got up and left.

It was dark in the halls as I tried to find my way to the bathrooms. I looked back at the room and when I turned forward I was startled as I collided with a hard chest. "I'm sorry--" I begin then I squint and figure out who it is I hit. "Anthony?"

"We gotta stop meeting like this," he laughs. He was shirtless, which gave me flashbacks of Sawyer but I laughed it off and just swallowed that thought. "Whats up?" he asked. "Why are you out here?"

"The movie just wasn't that good." I said as I leaned my head against the wall in the hallway. Anthony paused for a bit as we heard loud laughter coming from the common room.

"It's the breakfast club." He furrows his brows in confusion as he leans against the wall as well.

"I'm just not in the mood."

"Then what are you in the mood for?" he asks and I just shrug. I can't really explain how I'm feeling and I just don't think he could understand. He waits with me for a bit before pushing himself off of the wall. "I got an idea." He says.

"C'mon let's get out of here."

Hey guys! Sorry that the beginning is a little slow and boring, I know everyone wants #Solly and I promise there will be much more in future chapters, just you wait! ;)

Next update: July 5

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