10. "girls night"

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Right now I'm infuriated with all of the papers surrounding me on my desk. Psychology involves quite a truckload of writing, and it's nothing like how it was back in high school.

The lunch group that I started with in the beginning has slowly dispersed. We all see less and less of each other because everyone is off doing their own thing. But I'm not sad about it. I slowly feel like I'm starting to find my place somehow.

The library was pretty sparse today, and some hockey game was on so I'm assuming that had something to do with it. Thankfully the library in this school was large and full of useful information. I never even thought to even venture into the library back in high school, because reading always seemed awfully boring and tiresome. But for some reason, the relaxed studious environment here sparked my creativity. I picked up a few leisure reading books to pass the time so I'll see how that goes.

Anthony was supposed to meet me at the library about an hour ago so that we could review together for midterms but I'm guessing that by now he ditched me. Lord knows he's probably still sleeping from partying too hard or something.

He's the epitome of unpredictable.

Of course, I had my second cup of coffee beside me because I'm such an addict, that's the only thing getting me through my 8 am classes. That and my friends. We text back and forth in our group chat and that's the main source of entertainment during those long painful hours.

I begin to get distracted, and I notice the girl from the diner sitting in the corner of the library, in a small red armchair, so I hide my face behind my hand right away hoping she wouldn't recognize me. I'm all alone now, she could easily plan her attack again. My tactic is to stay as far away as possible because I handle conflict terribly.

I pick up the little pink book in my backpack next to me and start writing in my diary again. I'd like to think that many years from now I'll want to look back at how I felt in this moment. About my classes, my friends, all the new hobbies i've seemed to pick up, and the distance between me and the person I love most.

I let my pen do the talking on a blank fresh page in the book. I'm very vague, and I avoid going into too much detail.

Suddenly Anthony pops up out of nowhere, startling me. To avoid my very personal thoughts being seen I shut my book rapidly.

"Jeez, what are you writing about in there?" He takes a seat next to me without hesitating. "Nothing." I immediately hide the pink girly book out of sight. He's in no position to be interrogating me anyway given that he just randomly showed up out of the blue with no real explanation as to why he's so late.

"What are you hiding in there?" he nudges me playfully. I can't come up with a lie on the spot, and I can't exactly tell him I'm writing my feelings down in a diary I've had since the sixth grade, so I avoid the topic altogether.

"Can we just get to work?"

"Alright grumpy pants." He throws his hands up in surrender, and we silently begin studying away. I feel more obligated to concentrate now that he's here.

And the time just somehow flies by.


After our little study session, I was walking to the beat of some rock song Anthony had recommended to me, with my headphones on. The harsh wind was blowing up my plaid skirt vigorously while I desperately tried to hold it down to avoid flashing any innocent victims on my way back to the dorm. Today out of all days I decided to be fancy and avoid my leggings.

In the distance, my eyes landed on a navy blue backpack with lots of distinct patches and buttons on it that I recognized. Suddenly it clicked. "Jacob!" I scream out. Another friendly familiar face is always delightful. He looks around in search of the voice that just called his name. When he sees me waving he smiles pleasantly, making his way over to me.

He looks different. Mind you he still has the typical swooped 'f-boy' hairdo that I personally find overrated but now he's also got some facial hair to go along with it. Still an 'f-boy' but a slightly more mature one.

"Hey Holly," he immediately grants me a comforting hug. "Hey, it's been so crazy lately, how come I haven't seen you in a while?"

"I've been laying low." he shrugs it off with ease. I simply grin, taking in his presence after such a long time. "Hey, I'm really sorry," he says sincerely. "I'm meeting up with my friends right now actually, but can we catch up some other time?"

"Of course," I say and I watch him go on walking in the opposite direction, while I reminisce of the plans we had made. I laugh it off and shake my head. What a blast from the past.


I sluggishly walk into my super dark dorm room, fully drained, and plop next to Cam and Parker on the floor. The only source of light was her bright laptop screen, showcasing the movie we were all about to endure. The carpeted floor was not the most comfortable of surfaces but unfortunately, all of us couldn't fit on these tiny beds so we had to make do.

"Holls? How are you feeling?" Cam asks apprehensively and leans over to take note of my frazzled appearance. She slowly runs a hand through my tangled hair as I rest my head on her lap. I'm feeling pretty damn overwhelmed. "I'm good." I say.

I can hear her whisper to Parker for a minute while I remain laying on the floor, then suddenly I feel movement on the other side of the room. Parker stands up and straightens out his pants. "So, I'll catch up with you guys later," he quickly kisses Cam goodbye and opens the door, welcoming in the bright fluorescent light from the hallway into the room, then closing it.

"Why'd you do that?" I ask.

"I can tell you're in need of a girls night," she says. The corners of my mouth go up and I feel a huge sense of relief for some reason. We began to plan our girls night and I just felt happier. Almost excited.

It's like how it used to be, back in high school. We'd meet up weekly, every Friday night and I hadn't even realized how much I've missed that.

All of a sudden, our giggling and mindless conversating was broken up by the sound of yelling, once again, coming from the hallway. It was strange to hear such a sound because of how late in the evening it was so we got up to go investigate.

When we stepped outside there was a small crowd surrounding, from what it looked like, two individuals in a fight. Cam stayed back while I tried to push through to see who it was because my curiosity couldn't handle it. However, I couldn't see anything. All I got a glimpse of was a hoodie walking away after yelling some crude words. It was intense, enough to rally up the whole dorm floor. Supervisors eventually came and broke it up leaving the crowd to speculate, especially me.

I wonder who could have done that.

Next update: July 28

Sorry, this chapter lacks any sort of dramaaa, it's more of a filler chapter! The next one is gonna be good! Love you all and I hope you have an amazing day! :)

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