12. "another home"

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It's Thanksgiving break, time to spend with family, and what am I doing? Blowing it all off to see Sawyer.

I packed my things in tears, messily shoving random clothes into my backpack. I threw on a light sweater and ran outside to where his car was parked. As soon as I saw him I ran straight into his arms, dropping my bag carelessly on the ground. I got a whiff of peppermint as he wrapped his arms around me. I snuggled into his warm grey hoodie, that matched his sweatpants.

It started snowing as we remained in each other's embrace. We both looked up and stared at the sky full of fluffy white little snowflakes falling all around us. I sniffled from the cold air drying my wet tears. "Come with me." He took my face and wiped my eyes with his thumbs.

Placing my hands over his as they remained on my cheeks I nodded and did as he said, following him into his car.

I was now shivering because I hadn't prepared my winter clothes at all, they were still back at home and I wasn't going there anytime soon. "Here," he noticed my frigid appearance and grabbed a soft grey blanket from his backseat and wrapped me in it.

"Do you want to go away with me for the break?" he holds my hands to keep them warm. "To go visit my mom."

We had initially planned to spend Thanksgiving together with my family. But now, come to think of it, I've never met any of his parents and he's so close to mine. He rarely even brings them up, and I usually pay no mind to it.

I never wanted to pressure him or anything.

"That would be amazing," I smile warmly, despite feeling dismal.

"Okay, then we've got a journey ahead of us." He rubs my arm tenderly for a moment and with that he starts the car, commencing our drive back to his place to pack.


His dad moved away to the city after his folks split meanwhile, his mom stayed in his childhood home. It's in some secluded tiny town far away near the mountains and open fields. Or so he's been telling me.

The trip to her house isn't anything shy of complicated. We have to take a train, then a bus, and then hike up a bit but he assured me, it will be fun. I'm thrilled to get the chance to finally meet the woman that created this angel. But I'm still extremely uneasy. I've never had to meet anyone's parents, not like this.

The train finally arrived and we got a nice seat by the window, facing each other. I had a good view of the snow that continued to slowly trickle down from the evening sky. I left without saying goodbye to anyone. It was so abrupt but I knew I made the right choice by calling Sawyer.

The train slowly began chugging and we were off. Driving through a few small suburbs I admired how they had lights everywhere, illuminating the empty streets.

We were laughing about something and I don't even remember what the joke was. He found it really funny and I started laughing too, then I couldn't stop because his laugh was so contagious. I wish I was funny, that way I could always hear his beautiful laugh.

"Holly, your shoes are untied," he says. I look down and realize that in my haste, I did indeed forget to lace up my converse. "Let me tie them for you, I don't want you falling for anyone else," he smirks. I try my hardest to conceal my giggle but it's hard when I see his proud face, grinning brightly right across from me.

"Shut up," I bite back my smile because inside I'm so jubilant. I lace up my shoes before he gets the chance to. "Technically, I have freedom of speech," he waves his finger around.

Then he went off on a rant about some more law stuff, and I really try to focus and listen to what he's saying but I only get lost in his words. I nod as I'm thinking about how thankful I am to have him in my life. He managed to dry my tears and cheer me up by just being himself. His goofy, adorable self.


I feel a pit form in my stomach again upon arriving at the ivy-grown brick house Sawyer's been describing for the past hour. The house is reasonably sized and surrounded by gorgeous plants that have all but lost their green color from the harsh cold. This woman really seems to take pride in her gardening.

"Hey," he tugs on my sweater. "You have nothing to worry about, she will love you. I know she will." He kisses me softly on my cheek before we begin our walk up to the front door. Despite being terribly nervous, I was anxious to get inside and out of the cold.

She opens the door and the smell of vanilla scented candles hits my face. The house was well lit and furnished spectacularly. "Sawyer!" she exclaimed excitedly, as she hugged him. "Aw I missed you, I didn't know you'd be coming over." She rubs his back. "I am and I brought someone. Mom, this is Holly, my girlfriend."

As her eyes move over to me I finally get a good look at her. She's got short blonde wavy hair and mismatched patterned clothing. She's got the same dimples in her cheeks that Sawyer gets when he smiles. Of course, she looks nothing like him though, minus the grey eyes. He must be a spitting image of his father then.

"I'm Holly, so nice to finally meet you."

"Oh my, a lady friend?" she nudges Sawyer. "He's never brought one of those around here."

"You are just stunning, Holly," she is just about my height and I realize this when she hugs me. "Well, what are you waiting for? Come on in, guys you're bringing in the cold from outside."


She showed me to my room and I politely turned down her countless offers for food. For once in my life, I didn't have much of an appetite.

I got settled in the cozy little guest bedroom. What stood out to me most when I walked in were the green drapes, because the rest of the room was a very bland off-white color. Sawyer would of course sleep in his own bed, it would be mildly innapropriatte to sleep together in his mother's house. She is probably the sweetest woman I've ever met, and I could only wonder why he would ever want to move out.

He came and sat next to me on the mattress on the creaky metal bed frame.

"Did you really never bring any girl home?" I ask.

"Nope." He purses his lips slightly.

"But you've dated," I confirm with him.

"No one special enough."

I look up at him lovingly and yet again, it's like when I first met him. The feeling never goes away. I still feel like I need to impress him or something. Like I need to fix my hair and throw on some makeup just because his attention is all on me.

"I love you." I whisper and he whispers it right back to me. There was a comfortable silence for a while after that. Comfortable enough that my worries came back.

"Who knew my family could get so fucked up," I say as I rest my head on his shoulder.

I just found out that parents broke up again, because my mom is a compulsive cheater apparently, and she lets everyone down. My father is losing touch again, meanwhile, my brother is nowhere to be found, he's just fleed.

I can feel my tears finding their way, even though I'm far away from my troubles. In such a warm and caring environment, with the person, I love most.

He pulls my chin up and stares deeply into my glossy eyes.

"Don't worry, you always got another home right here with me."

Next update: August 2

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