15. "not like he used to"

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"You seem to have indifferent feelings when it comes to your parents. Do you want to explain why that is so?" Dr. Gregory sounded so proper. He was diligent when it came to asking probing my brain and he didn't waste any time after his question to make changes to his notes. I take psychology so I know how this works; he's trying to get to the core of my problems.

Too bad for him, I'm not that simple.

"My mom's a selfish cheater, my dad is distant and my older brother is off living his own life far away from our parents. That's all."

"Does your father make efforts to be a part of your life?"

"Not like he used to." I say dismally.

"And you miss him?"

"A lot." His questions bring up the memories of when he still lived with us. I reminisce while he scribbles on his paper.

"So you say your mom is a cheater?" He adjusts his glasses further up his nose and shifts in his seat.

"Well after getting back together with my father and giving him hope she decided she was bored so she had an affair with some random guy she picked up in a bar." I chew on my bottom lip as I speak to distract myself from the anger I begin to feel.

He gulps, and begins to fidget with the paper in front of him. "Go on."

"Well my dad didn't tell me much, just that she ended up getting wasted after work, hopping in the back of this guy's red Camaro, and then he caught them parked a block away from the house doing God knows what."

For some reason he begins acting very strange suddenly. He remains silent for a good two minutes while he clicks his blue pen, to the point where it's becoming slightly aggravating. "I'm sorry I'm afraid I'll have to end the session earlier today," he stands up hurriedly, ready to escort me out of the room.

"Wait, really?"

He scratches his head nervously and I'm very confused as to why he's acting so bizarre. "Holly, I'm afriad I cannot be your counsellor anymore."

"What? Why not?" I ask. I now feel completely dumb for thinking this could work. The second I begin to open up and trust this guy, he quits on me. "This relationship would be highly inappropriate under these circumstances."

I just furrow my brows at him, hoping he will elaborate soon because I'm lost. "I now realize that the person--your mom slept with is me--"

My eyes widen. I had the sudden urge to scream and break the chair I sat in for 15 minutes now, pouring my heart out to the guy who apparently broke up my parents, again. Not to mention that he looks like he's almost as young as my brother Ryan, and picturing that makes me want to vomit.

My blood was boiling. "--Holly I have to let you know that I had no idea prior to having an affiliation with your mother that you were in any way related to her,"

He speaks so formally and with such false sincerity that I feel sick to my stomach. Everything just hurts and I don't know how to make it stop. It's as if my walls are closing in and no matter what I do, everything's just falling apart.

"I will transfer you to a different counsellor," he attempts to calm me down but there's no use. I just push past him and run out of the office, letting my legs lead the way.

They lead me to my car and I opened the door, shaky, with tears in my eyes. She couldn't even leave my damn therapist alone. Why does she have to take everything from me? I wanted to scream.

I wiped my tears and began driving, which is probably one of the worst things you can do when you're in a state like this but I didn't care. I got on the freeway back into town and sped like a maniac down the half-empty road. The orange sunset behind me, blinding me in my rearview mirrors.

I must have ran over a sharp object quickly because suddenly my car began driving really bumpy so I carefully pulled over to the side of the road. I notice by the slight slant of my view, that I must have popped a tire. What else could possibly go wrong?

I walk out, slamming my car door shut to inspect the issue. Of course I have a flat tire, and no knowledge on how to change it. I take a deep breath and call Sawyer to come and rescue me. It's happened to him quite a few times and he knows how to deal with a situation like this.

After calling about 5 times and getting no answer, I groan loudly. The passing cars on the freeway give me sympathetic looks. As they drive by it's almost as if I can hear them saying how glad they are that they're not the ones in my position. My dad is too far away to come, Cam has a late class, and she wouldn't know what to do anyways.

There is only one person left I can call.

Sorry, this chapter is so short, there was more but I decided to divide it into two parts!

Also, I know I've been horrible at updating on time lately I've just been taking some well needed time for myself!

And thank you all so much for 4K followers omg!!!! I love you all so much! :)) you guys are seriously the best!

Next update: August 19

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