23. "don't be scared"

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*warning* this chapter contains heavy and possibly triggering subjects intended for mature audiences*

I charge through those glass hospital doors like there's no tomorrow. The intense thunderstorm outside did wonders to my hair and makeup, which was already ruined from all the crying. With mascara smudges under my eyes, I frantically run up to the front desk.

"Hi, I'm here for Sawyer. Sawyer Roberts."

"He's in the ICU," the receptionist in the glasses directs me to a long hallway with many confusing twists and turns. I finally come upon a waiting area with a few tired looking people, presumably waiting for their family members.

Once I hear that he's still in surgery I can only assume the worst. My heart aches and my shallow breathing has finally caught up to me. I find a seat in the corner of the room and try to stabilize my dizzy head.

The rain pours relentlessly on the window next to me and I hold my head in my hands to try to stop the anxiety that's creeping in like a shadow in the night. The loud thunder outside startles me and I flashback to this summer.

The week before school had started—we went on a trip to that house on the lake. On a stormy night, the power went out so we laid on the bed. I was scared but Sawyer knew just the right words to say.

"Don't be afraid Holly, it's just thunder." He held me in his arms. "I'm right here."

Right now I don't feel so safe, knowing my brave protector is currently on the operating table and I can't do anything to help.

I remember him whispering in my ear, telling me how much he cares about me. I can almost feel the warmth of his breath and the pleasant shiver it brought up my spine. These warm memories are my last hope of sanity. I might just lose it right here in this waiting room.

Even picturing that those texts would be the last thing he ever said to me is too much to bear. It causes fresh tears to fill up my eyes again.

Just when I'm about to break down, a gentle voice pulls me out of my spiral. I feel Camille's hands bring me up into a hug and I hold on so tight, fearing she would let go.

"I'm so scared—" I blurt out and she just shushes me. "Cam I really messed up—I"

"It's gonna be okay Holly," she hugs me and I feel her hand gently rub my back to soothe me. "He's going to be okay."


A few hours go by and we find out the best news; Sawyer made it out of surgery.

The weight comes off my shoulders and I can almost breathe again. We're told to wait before we can see him, however, and the suspense in the air thickens. All that matters right now is that he is alive and I couldn't care less about everything else.

Not my baggy eyes, or the pink pajama pants I rushed out of the house in. Not even the violently bright hospital lights that were the source of my headache for the past few hours.

Cam returns with a tray of hot coffee for the both of us and in her presence, the fear begins to leave my body.

With every doctor that passes by I jerk a little, expecting it to be Sawyer's doctor who delivers the news to us. All around are sick patients and grief-stricken family members. This is not a place of delight and prosperity. All there is, is sorrow.

I stand and stare out of the rainy window to take my eyes off of the horrors unraveling in this waiting room. How dangerous, Sawyer. You gave me something to lose.

"Miss Holly?"

I snap my head immediately to the doctor in the scrubs standing in front of me. "Sawyer is allowed visitors now, but only friends and immediate family."

Cam stands up and I feel her presence emerge behind my shoulder. "I'm his girlfriend," I say.

"Then you can follow me."

He leads me to him while Cam stays behind in the waiting room since she's not allowed to visit. The walk feels as if it's in slow motion. I'm just thankful that she came as soon as she heard because I don't know what I would've done if she hadn't.

The doctor steps away, leaving me to witness the aftermath of the car accident on Sawyer right in front of me. I bring my hands up to my mouth as soon as I see his bruised and scarred face and all of the tubes and wiring that is connected to him in order to keep him alive.

To think, just yesterday he was standing right in front of me, breathing effortlessly, not a scratch on his skin.

I feel a burning ball of anger ready to explode inside of me, thinking of the person who did this to my Sawyer. My anger dissolves into tears yet again because I see that he's still not awake, and I can't tell him how much he means to me.

I begin to realize that I never did tell him enough. I know I didn't. And it hurts like hell thinking that the last memory he has of me, is walking away.

Just as I was about to leave, he moved his hand ever so slightly and that's when I notice his eyes squinted open.

I can't hold in my emotions and I impulsively reach over to hug him. "You scared me so much, I don't know what I would've done." I weep. He hisses from the pain and I retract my body immediately. I sniffle as I place my hand over his scratched and bandaged fingers, but carefully, not to hurt him in this fragile state.

Suddenly Ryan shows up out of the blue. My own brother, who I haven't seen or heard from in ages, worried sick thinking he lost his best friend. His misty eyes fall on me, then Sawyer and I can very clearly see the relief on his face when he sees that he is okay.

I remain holding Sawyer's hand when he slowly opens his mouth to speak. He struggles because he is still extremely weak. "I'm sorry—" he manages to squeeze out but I insist he doesn't try to talk.

"It's you—" he whispers. "—It's always going to be you."

"I love you so much." I softly kiss him on the forehead.

"I'm never leaving again."

Next update: Around Jan 5

SO sorry for the late update! There's probably a lot of errors hope you guys don't mind. But here's a lil sad and suspenseful chapter for you guys... :')

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