A quick detour, we investigate

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Chapter summary: Anakin learns more about Obi-Wan. Obi-Wan accepts the truth. Satine is an angel. Maul got issues. Ventress is a scheme.

"Yes, Chancellor". Anakin took the opportunity to visit the Chancellor. After he was done helping Ahsoka he decided to try and seek out some guidance. Yes, Palpatine is aware of what transpired concerning Obi-Wan.

"Good, good. It is wise of the Jedi to send you." Palpatine praised. Anakin tried not to exuberate with pride. After all, a Jedi must stay humble.

Sitting down, Palpatine rested his hands on the armrest of his seat. "It was very odd of General Kenobi to run away like that. One might say he even dreaded the Jedi. That does bring a couple questions in mind about his childhood."

Anakin though back to what Garen said about Obi-Wan. About how the Jedi seemed to give up on his Master.

Upon seeing Anakin's concern Palpatine quickly assured, "Forgive me for being so frank. It's just that sometimes it appears the Jedi overlook their own. I don't pretend to say that I know the customs of a Jedi. But from an outward point of view, it is disquieting to see such a reaction from such a bright man."

Palpatine made a very good point. This coldness the Jedi held themselves in can often be detrimental. They can't be compassionate without some level of empathy and you can't have empathy without some form of emotion. And the Jedi forbid emotion. Well, not forbid. More like objects to putting any sort of emotion in their job.

Anakin realized he did not speak for a while and caused an undesirably long pause to occurred. Palpatine took it the wrong way, but before he could correct his old friend his com went off.

A message was transmitted on it. The council was sending him to a location where they suspect Obi-Wan gone too recently.

Standing up Anakin bid Palpatine goodbye.

"As Chancellor of the Republic, I have notable access to different types of information. Including the Jedi archives. Perhaps you can view over your Master's records and see if there was any sort of... foul play back then."

As he walks back those words reverberate in his head. Did the Order truly neglect its kids? He always challenged the Order of being heartless and it relieved Anakin that someone other than him could see it as well. But to blame them of... hurting Obi-Wan seemed a bit far-fetch.

Yet he remembers one time when he saw the intense hurt in Obi-Wan eyes but compliant reserve. It occurred three months after he turned 10. He's been with Obi-Wan's for a cycle. Shamefully Anakin recalls the days where he begrudged his young master. Too young and experience at training Anakin. "I'm the Chosen One shouldn't I be bestowed the best" he resentfully thought sometimes. Yes, Obi-Wan meant well but he seemed a bit cold sometimes. One time Anakin tried to give Obi-Wan a hug that ended in a disaster.

It may be fair to point out that Obi-Wan ventured to give him the one-armed hug after that incident. Soon after that pitiful - yet heartwarming- attempted, Obi-Wan soon developed a liking to the 'I'm so proud of you' hand-on-shoulder.

It happened in one of his classes that studied in Jedi philosophy with an undistinguished Master he didn't bother remembering. The instructor was discussing the value of remaining unbiased and untouched by emotions in a challenging situation. They showed the battle of Naboo and what happened down in the generators.

Anakin remembers gaping and questioning if this was perhaps too private to show to the entire Jedi class. Did Obi-Wan actually give permission to see this? This hit him. Anakin considered Obi-Wan close to Qui-Gon.

The instructor pointed out how Obi-Wan was able to align himself with the light side of the Force and defeat the Darkside user. Yes, maybe at first, after seeing his master being gutted in front of him, he fought in anger. After left hanging off the ledge, he realized the danger of fighting with rage and repented.

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