Among the masses, we assimilate

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Summary: Obi-Wan just talks. Palpatine lurks. Ahsoka wants a tattoo. Barriss is in for the ride.

Things certainly got lighter once at the Temple. He still didn't regret running away for a second. Obi-Wan firmly believed that the Force directed him back to Satine to help her.

He tried to discuss his visions to the Jedi Council, but they merely reassured him that it must have been some side-effect. Master Plo steered him aside later and mention a joint-meditation in hopes to observe the vision, but Obi-Wan drew the line at mind healers or any type of healers.

Sadly the Jedi Council outranks him. One day, promised Obi-Wan. I'll be on the Council making these calls.

He didn't have a single Master at the moment. Masters were too busy training their padawans and fighting battles as the war efforts go on.

So now he's a Ward of the Order. Has a nice ring to it.

The Council seems especially close to Obi-Wan. Perhaps he becomes the new maverick in the future and the Council wants to keep a close eye. Or maybe they can empathize with living with one.

Whatever the case was, there were many occasions where he would be in their company.

He would meditate with Master Plo. Often at the Room of a Thousand Fountains. It would be briefly, mostly due to Master Plo being needed more on the field.

Sparring with Master Windu, who has a habit of fighting offensively, put Obi-Wan on defense. Annoyingly Obi-Wan had to resort to Form III. He was graced with Master Windu presence more often due to him being an important figure in the Jedi Order so the legendary Master would be needed at the temple more.

He received com-signals from Shaak Ti, who oversaw clone production and after talking with Master Plo decided to investigate the vision Obi-Wan had. She gave him indefinite updates. There was no significant discovery so far and the process was sluggish. Mostly due to it being a private investigation.

Master Saesee Tiin was the strangest. Obi-Wan would often hear him mumbling after Obi-Wan caused some shenanigans.

"Kriffing Perfect Jedi my-" and "how did we forget who his Master was!"

To be impartial, Obi-Wan did cause some anxiety within the temple. Like right now. He was supposed to be with Master Yoda right now. Instead, he's here at the hangers watching the ships and shuttles jetting off or docking.

He could see the Mandalorian soldiers moving about. He was hesitant at first to go near them. His vision unquestionably showed the impending doom by their hands. But after scrutinizing them it was difficult to imagine these clones betraying them.

He frowned. It seemed no one would take his vision seriously. He did think of telling Anakin - Gosh his Future Padawan! - but the ringing in the Force advised him otherwise.

A rush of wistfulness passed by him as he saw a trooper paint his armor. He remembers being given a pair by Satine. Together they painted a shaded wolf on it. Stepping off the high platform he observed on, Obi-Wan tumbled smoothly to the ground and edged around the trooper.

The man seems to be painting A tic-tac-toe game on it. With the O's winning slanting.

Leaning over the workbench, Obi-Wan peeked to see better. Too bad he didn't see the small can of paint. The noise was all he heard followed by the smell of paint on his cloak. Why is it that his cloak became a regular causality?

His ears heated as the mess he made. The somewhat startled trooper turned around and gazed. And what a sight he was showing. A teen cover in black paint.

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