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ii. First Day Back

"Stiles." Malia looked under the car as dirt blew into their eyes making Gwen's contacts irritated again. "I don't think we hit something. I think something hit us."

She held up a sharp talon, and Stiles went to look at it. "Damn, I'm gonna die." Gwen laid on top of the car in fake devastation.

"Play AC/DC at my funeral so people know I was a badass." She held up finger guns and clicked her tongue.

It was getting dark, and Gwen fell asleep on top of Stiles' jeep. "Maybe we should just walk." Lydia suggested leaning against the car.

"Hey, I will never abandon this jeep. You understand me? Ever. Ever."

He continued to try and fix it, but Lydia gave up hope. "Work faster, Stiles." Malia spoke back to him. They looked out in the distance like they had a bad feeling. "There is something out here with us."

Stiles and Lydia looked at each other.

An hour past by and it was fully dark. Kira drew her sword from the back of the jeep and stood beside Malia. "Lydia, could you please hold the flashlight still for a second. It's really hard to see anything when you keep shaking it like that."

Lydia looked at him with wide eyes. "I'm shaking it like this because we're in the middle of nowhere with your broken down jeep and we're being attacked by yet another razor-clawed monster. And I'm terrified."

"Well, just be slightly less terrified. I mean look at Gwen up there she's taking all this in perfectly." He pointed to his sister, who was fast asleep, and Lydia glared at him. "And hold this."

"What's this?"

"I don't know. I'm hoping is not important." Stiles muttered. "Oh God."

Kira and Malia stood in front of the car. "Anything?" Malia shook her head, "It's too hard to see. We should've brought another flashlight."

Kira stepped back and reflected the car light off of her sword. Something moved slightly behind a rock. "Did you see that?"

Malia noticed it the second time and roared waking Gwen up. She screamed and fell off from the top of the jeep. "Yeah, that hurt." She coughed as she got the wind knocked out of her.

"Malia, wait!"

"Hey, Malia!" Stiles was about to run after her, but Lydia stopped him. "Kira, go! You. Fix the jeep. Stiles, focus!"

"Why do I always get injured?" Gwen asked getting up and wiping herself off from the dirt. "Because you decide sleeping on top of a car is a great resting spot. You're like a cat." Lydia smirked at her. "A cute cat." She patted her cheeks.

"Malia, Kira, thank god." Stiles said as he got the jeep started. They all climbed in and started it up.

"You.. You please don't do that ever again."

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