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ii. Quick Visit

Gwen sat on top of her made bed resting her head on her hand reading over one of her favorite books of all time, Perks of Being a Wallflower.

She smiled at the book and closed it as it brought tears to her eyes. That book made her cry every time. Maybe because it was so relatable.

Gwen adored the fact that Charlie went though so much and wasn't afraid to be upset about it. Most guys run away from their feelings and it's shamed for men to cry, but Gwen thought the opposite.

In the 2nd grade, Gwen sat on the playground with Scott and Stiles as they were climbing all over the monkey bars.

One of the rude boys in Stiles 4th grade class went up to the trio and started calling her brother a wuss and a baby. Gwen couldn't stand for it and punched him square in the nose and straddled him knocking him left and right with sloppy punches.

Can you imagine that? An 8 year old girl kicking the hell out of a 10 year old boy, not knowing how to punch properly and not having a muscle in her petite body at that age. Gwen couldn't believe it either.

She sat back laughing at the fact she did that. Scott was so proud of her that when she was at his has house after school and Stiles was in the bathroom he told her he could've just kissed her because that was so amazing. So, that's what Gwen did, she ran up and gave a kiss to him on the lips making Scott wide eyed and red faced. But young Gwen just smiled and watched as Stiles came down the stairs asking what happened.

Scott and Gwen didn't talk about it since, but always remembered it perfectly.

To the thoughts of that day, Gwen fell asleep.


Gwen woke up to the sun shining through her window. School was going on today and honestly, she was curious to see how everyone would react.

Gwen woke up going through her closet and picking out a good set of clothes before heading on her way to school. She called Malia, "Hey babe. Whatcha gonna do today since you can't be seen?" Malia growled through the phone.

"I'm going to school. Well, not literally. I'm going but I'm not going to be seen."

Malia toon a bite out of her bacon adjusting her phone in her hand, "Are you sure you wanna do that? What if you get seen?"

"I won't. I'm a ninja. Why does no one have faith in me? But I got to start walking if I want to get there before noon. Bye."

"Love you."

"Love you too." Gwen sighed smiling and turning off her phone. She looked at herself in the mirror before patting her clothes down. "Let's hope and pray no one says thank god she's dead."


Gwen walked behind the school peeking through a few windows trying to find one of her friends in one of the classrooms.

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