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"You have to tutor Ms. Weasel? What a nightmare." April laughed. I shook my head.

"I haven't a clue what Nightslade was thinking. The bloody girl can barely make a simple healing potion. She's got no hope. It'll be a waste of my time." I ranted. April nodded while absentmindedly picking at her nails.

"I have Charms with her. She's been a disaster since Harry dumped for that Luna girl. At this point, crying in class is an all time low." Quincy said. We were interrupted as a Prefect walked in.

"Malfoy," He addressed me. "You will meet Ms. Weasley in the Potions classroom at 7 o'clock pm. Orders from professor Nightslade." I sighed as the prefect walked away.

"I only have about twenty minutes. I should get going." I said, looking up at the clock. April told me a good luck and I kissed her quickly before making my way to Greyslades classroom.


I walked slowly and when I got to the classroom, a one ginger haired girl sat in the center table. I watched her scan the room cautiously for a while before clearing my throat. Weasley jumped and turned quickly.

"O- oh. It's only you." She stuttered. She adjusted her position played with her hands nervously.

"Let's not waste time, Weasley." I told her. I pulled a textbook from my bag and flipped to a marked page. A color morphing potion seemed easy enough. I left the book open as I walked to the closet and grabbed what I needed.

"A meta-color potion? I've never seen one." Ginny said behind me.

"Well, it's fast and easy and I," I stopped to set my supplies on the table, "Want this to go as quickly as possible."

"Perfect. So do I." Ginny said back. I began to explain the first few steps but to my annoyance, it seemed like she wasn't listening in the slightest. Instead, the girl was meticulously counting out measurements of ingredients and setting them perfectly on the table.

"Am I boring you?" I snapped. Like she didn't even notice me there, Ginny jumped again, squeezing each of her fingers. I could hear her whispering numbers.

"I- I... No I'm sorry... I," I looked down at her hands as she began counting again.

Suddenly I recognized the symptoms. My mother had acted this way. I didn't think I would see it again.

"Do you have OCD Ginny?" I asked.

"Of course not! I'm not crazy." She snapped back. I was not about to argue. She wasn't my problem.

"Fine. Whatever. I'll see you next session. Just make sure to pay attention." I told her, putting my belongings away and leaving to my common room.

Obsessed // DrinnyWhere stories live. Discover now