Chapter 6: Another Companion

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For a while Marinette was resting against Basil's shoulder. Keeping herself calm, praying she hadn't given away her real identity to the detective. Basil glanced down at Marinette with a slight smile spread across his face. Gently he rubbed a hand up and down Marinette's arm. She nuzzled closer into Basil's side, looking up at Basil with a sweet smile.

"Miss Flaversham... why do you carry a pair of guns with you?" Asked Basil as he looked down at Marinette, gently he laced Marinette's head against the crook of his neck.

"It's for protection... I carry them around just in case" Replied Marinette as he relaxed slightly against Basil's shoulder, closing her eyes slightly looking towards the burning flames in the fireplace.

"She must be terrified if she needs to carry guns around with her" Thought Basil as he continued to rub his hand up and down Marinette's arm, a sympathetic expression spread across his face.

Dawson was sitting in the high back chair looking over at the pair of them. He could tell the two of them had feelings for each other. Suddenly Dawson remembered about the item of clothing he picked up from outside.

"Uhh... Basil" Started Dawson as he picked the item of clothing out of his pocket, holding it in front of him as he looked towards Basil and Marinette.

Basil raised his head to look at Dawson. His eyes landing on the item of clothing in his hands. Basil's eyes shot wide open when he realised Dawson had Fidget's hat in his hands.

"Ah ha Dawson you've done it" Shouted Basil in a triumphant tone as he shot up of the sofa, grabbing the hat from Dawson's hand and inspecting it closer.

"I... I have?" Questioned Dawson as he looked up at Basil slightly shocked, slowly he stood up from the high back.

"You see Dawson this hat belongs to Fidget" Replied Basil as he continued to inspect the hat, then glancing towards Dawson was a wide smile plastered across his face.

"With the help of Toby your father is as good as found Miss Flaversham" Continued Basil as he glanced over his shoulder, looking towards Marinette with a triumphant expression covering his face.

"Toby?" Questioned Marinette as she stood up from the sofa, gracefully walking towards Basil and standing by his side.

"Oh you two must meet him... he's an amazing chap" Replied Basil as he wrapped an arm around Marinette and Dawson pulling them both towards his sides.

"Well what are we waiting for?... let's go" Said Marinette as she looked up towards Basil then across at Dawson, a wide smile plastered across her face.

With that said Basil grabbed Dawson's and Marinette's upper arm. Dragging the pair of them behind him as he flew up a flight of stairs.

"There's something about this mouse that intrigues me so much" Thought Marinette as a small smile crept on her face, the rush taking over her body as they continued to fly up the stairs.

Finally Basil came to a halt causing Dawson so stumble forward slightly and Marinette to slam right into Basil's back. Asking her blush slightly as she pulled away from the detective. Basil glanced over his shoulder, a light blush powdered over his cheeks. Cautiously Basil creeped over to a perfect cut out circle in the wall. Pushing it open rays of light started to fill the hallway they were in. Like a snake Basil stuck his head out of the circle gap, scanning the area making sure the area was clear.

Silence filled the hallways as Basil continued to inspect the area. Quickly he pushed the circle hole wide open and hopped out of it.

"It's alright you two... it's clear" Said Basil as he looked up at the opening, beckoning for Dawson and Marinette to come out of hiding.

First Dawson climbed out of the opening and stood next to Basil. Marinette stepped up on the edge of the opening looking down slightly at the pair of them. Gracefully she hopped down from the opening but lost her balance stumbling forward. Swiftly Basil stepped forward and caught Marinette in his arms, looking down at her making sure she was okay.

"Th... Thank... you...Mr Basil" Stuttered Marinette as she became slightly flustered, her eyes looking up at Basil while she carefully picked herself up.

"Please just call me Basil" Replied Basil as he held Marinette by her upper arms, gazing into each other's eyes almost getting lost in them.

Marinette nodded slightly and gave Basil a cute smile.

"That girl's smile is amazing" Thought Basil as a small smile I crept onto his lips, a light blush covered his cheeks.

"I say Basil... who is Toby?" Asked Marinette as an inquisitive expression covered her face as she looked up at the detective.

Swiftly Basil put two finger towards his lips and done a high pitched whistle. Suddenly the ground started rumbling like thunder causing Marinette to grip onto Basil for dear life. Rapidly the shaking grew worse and worse and worse until it quickly stopped. Basil looked up towards the sky.

"Ah here he is" Said Basil as he threw one of his hands up in the air, a wide smile spread across his lips.

Both Marinette and Dawson followed Basil's gaze up towards the sky. Seeing a dark brown mixed with light brown basset hound dogs. With its tongue sticking out of the side of its mouth.

"Dawson, Miss Flaversham meet Toby" Said Basil as he stood either side of them, gracefully Toby put is head down to the ground so he was at the same level as the group of mice.

"Charmed" Replied Dawson as he gently patted Toby's nose, a nervous smile spread across his lips.

"Pleasure" Replied Marinette as she walked forward slightly going to pat Toby on the nose, before she could even make contact he growled and started to come towards Marinette.

"Can he tell that I might be hiding something?" Thought Marinette as she had her hands out in forest of her, backing away from Toby as a panicked expression covered her entire face.

"Toby... Toby, stay, sit, ha" Said Basil as he stood in front of Marinette, a stern expression on his face as he glared at Toby.

"That's funny he's normally so friendly towards others" Thought Basil as he glanced over his shoulder at Marinette then looking back at Toby in front of him.

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