Chapter 8: Jack The Ripper

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"Come on... that's the girl Ratigan wants" Chuckled Fidget as he rubbed his hands together, the skipped happily off further into the shop.

Jack glanced back down at the ladder which Basil, Dawson and Marinette. His eyes filled with confusion as he stared at Marinette.

"What does Ratigan want with you Marinette?" Thought Jack as she slowly turned his head and followed Fidget further into the shop.

Basil, Dawson and Marinette had just finished climbing the ladder and were inspecting the shelf around them. Marinette was gazing all around at the toy shop, sometimes glancing at Basil and a light pink flush would spread across her cheeks. As the three of them walked over a chess board Marinette stopped by a piece and glanced around at the other pieces. Swiftly she pushed the piece over a few squares and glanced at Basil almost knocking him over with the piece.

"Checkmate" Said Cherry as she glanced over her shoulder, a smirk plastered across her face as she continued to keep on walking.

Basil glanced around at the pieces then back towards Marinette. A sly smile spread across his lips.

"That girl is unbelievable" Thought Basil as he continued to walk with the others, glancing around looking for any clues.

The three of them continued to look around the shelf they were walking on. Marinette's eyes were mainly focused on the highest shelf where she saw the movement from before. Basil was looking around, glancing at Marinette from time to time with a faint blush on his cheeks. Dawson was amazed by his surroundings as he took everything in.

"I'm gonna head up to the next shelf and have a look around" Said Marinette as she started to climb up a ladder, eyes fixed on the shelf above her.

"Alright just be careful Miss Flaversham" Said Basil as he glanced over towards Marinette, a conceded expression covered his face.

Marinette gave Basil a light nod then started to climb up the ladder. Basil and Dawson continued to look around the shelf they were standing on. Suddenly Dawosn bumped into a toy guard, stumbling back slightly as he looked up and down at the toy. Something was off about all the guard toys lined up in front of him.

"Uhh... Basil" Said Dawson as he tried to get Basil's attention, a slight concerning look appeared on his face.

Basil turned his attention to Dawson and quickly noticed the toy guards.

"How very strange... all these toys have been stripped of their uniform" Said Basil as he cupped his mouth, a finger tapping against his cheek.

"The gears from these toys up here have been stripped too" Shouted Marinette as she peaked over the edge of the ledge, looking directly down towards Basil and Dawson.

As if on cue they all heard a music box being cranked up. A light melody starting to consume the shop around them. All three of them began to look around then entire store as it gracefully came to life. Swiftly Marinette stood up, her eyes darting over the area around her.

"What is going on here?" Thought Marinette as she braced herself for anything, her heart was now pounding in her chest.

What Marinette was unaware of was Jack creeping up behind her. Her head was gazing all around at the now lively store. Jack kept creeping towards her until he was right behind her.

"Good Evening... Marinette" Whispered Jack into Marinette's ear, a wide smile plastered across his face with pearl white glowing in the moonlight.

"Jack" Thought Marinette as her eyes went wide with shock, staring straight ahead of her.

Swiftly she jabbed her elbow back into Jack's stomach, then sternly punched him in the jaw knocking him to the ground. Rapidly Marinette took off running further around the shelf she was on. Glancing over her shoulder the fear and adrenaline coursing through her body.

"Feisty as always... that girl doesn't change" Said Jack as he grabbed his jaw, moving it trying to disperse the pain surging through it.

Steadily Jack picked himself up off the floor, running after Marinette. Swiftly Marinette pulled her guns out while continuing to run. Basil and Dawson both heard the rapid steps above them and looked at the shelf above them. Their eyes gazed upon Marinette and Jack inches apart from each other. Marinette with her guns aimed straight Jack, while Jack had a couple of blades gripped tightly in his hands.

"You wouldn't shoot me... your best friend" Said Jack as he placed a hand over his heart, a mischievous smile spread across his lips as he gave Marinette puppy dog eyes.

"I would if my life depends on it" Growled Marinette as she glared at Jack, her breathing becoming heavy and panicked.

Soon the smile on Jack's face turned into a stern expression. Turning his head up slightly as he looked at Marinette. Suddenly he lunged forward towards her, making Marinette pull the trigger on the gun. Hitting Jack square in the shoulder but he continued through the pain. Swiftly he wrapped and arm around Marinette's waist and hoisted her onto his shoulder.

"Let me go Jack" Said Marinette as she started to hit him in on the shoulder, struggling to get out of his grip.

"Sorry Mari but Ratigan needs you" Replied Jack as he let out a low chuckle, slowly turning around to walk towards a large pile of toys reaching a skylight in the roof.

"Unhand the girl you fiend" Shouted a voice from behind the pair of them.

Jack looked over his shoulder and Marinette averted her eyes upwards. Basil and Dawson were running towards the pair of them. Swiftly Jack took off running towards the stack of toys. Rapidly Basil and Dawson picked up speed and continued to run towards the pair. The four of them rushed up the toy stack, closing in on the skylight. Fidget was waiting up on the roof with a sac by his side. Clapping excitedly making something fall out of his wing pocket. Swiftly Jack jumped up to the skylight, his grip on Marinette loosening.

Suddenly Marinette fell out of Jack's grip and Basil caught her in his arms. She clung onto him for dear life and they rushed back down the toy stack. All three of them looking up to see Jack and Fidget glancing down at them before disappearing into the night. Basil looked down at Marinette and carefully placed her on her feet.

"Are you alright Miss Flaversham?" Asked Basil as he rested his head on top of hers, thankful that she was safe and not in the hands of Ratigan.

"I'm alright... thank you Basil" Replied Marinette as she wrapped her arms around Basil, feeling safe in his light embrace.

"I can't believe I shot my friend" Thought Marinette as she closed her eyes, trying to calm herself down as she now realised what she'd done.

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