Chapter 16: Behind Every Villain Is A Hero

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Behind the curtains of a small stage set in the grand hall of the Palace, Hiram was at the control panel for the three robots he created. The Queen and Marinette were pinned up in separate corners behind the curtains, the blades of the rifles aimed at them. Marinette lent against the wall behind her, glancing over at her mother with a worried expression. Her eyes averted to her father, who was reading words of a card that was in front of his face.

Ratigan was the other side of the curtains, talking to all the mice that had turned up. Talking about his new rules and plans for mousedom. Everyone couldn't believe what they were hearing half the time. A tax for being to old and a tax for children. The rat was utterly ludicrous and there was nothing no one could do about it now.

Marinette started to zone out after a while. Thinking about Jack... Dawson... what would happen to her family... but most of all she was thinking about Basil. She regretted not being honest with him from the start. Regretting dragging him into something which she could have most likely sorted out herself. Every ounce of her mind was consumed with guilt.

Jack her best friend who she shot once and almost done it again. Marinette couldn't even the she would forge herself for doing that to her best friend. Then she remembered the brawl she had with Jack a few hours ago, which made her think he wouldn't even bother trying to help her now... not after that. Her mind slowly started to think about Dawson. How kind he was to help her out that night. Always keeping an eye on her and looking out for her when she needed it.

She felt a couple of tears fall from her eyes, staining her fur as they trailed down her cheeks. Slowly Marinette slid her back down the wall, hugging her knees as she rested her head against them. The Queen looked over at her daughter, concerned for her but she was helpless to do anything about it. Hiram glanced over at his daughter, wishing he could do anything to help her and his wife. Marinette closed her eyes and just waited for the end to come.

Suddenly she felt the guards back off, the clinking and clanking of metal. Marinette shot her eyes open and lifted her head up. Eyes filling with shock as she saw all the guards tied in a circle in the middle of the floor. Scanning over the area her eyes landed on Jack then Dawson and finally Basil. Steadily she picked herself up off the floor, shocked to see the three of them standing there. Jack rushed over to her and wrapped her in a tight hug, Marinette wrapped her arms around his neck as he lifted her off the ground and spun her around.

"You came back" Said Marinette as she looked slightly up at Jack, confusion slowly starting to spread over her face.

"Of course I did... did you really think I'd let you go without a fight?" Asked Jack as he hugged Marinette tighter, both of them were happy to see each other.

"I didn't think you'd come at all" Replied Marinette as she rested her head on his shoulder, trying to hold back the tears forming in her eyes.

"Now come on... we've got a kingdom to protect" Continued Marinette as she pulled away from Jack, looking down at a couple of rifles on the floor.

Swiftly Marinette walked over to the rifles and picked two of them up, resting them on her shoulders. Her eyes glanced over at Basil, she didn't want to say anything to him. Knowing that he didn't want anything to do with her anymore. She sighed slightly and went over towards Jack, trying to hold back a couple of tears.

"So what's the plan... London?" Jack asked as he nudged Marinette's arm a few times, a smirk plastered on her lips as he pulled out a knife and started to spin it in his hand.

"We're taking down Ratigan... and I'm taking back the kingdom" Replied Marinette as she turned around and headed for the exit behind the stage, glancing over her shoulder towards Jack.

"Besides... behind every villain a hero will always rise" Finished Marinette as she turned and majestically strolled through the exit, not looking back just focusing on her main mission.

"Well... looks like she doesn't want to speak with you Basil" Said Jack as he looked over towards Basil, his arms crossed over his chest slowly averting his gaze back to the exit.

"It would appear that way" Replied Basil as he averted his gaze over towards the exit, not sure what was going through Marinette's head.

"She does want to speak to you... but she's afraid of what you'll say to her now... she's just very clever at hiding her emotions" Said Jack as he looked over at Basil, knowing full well that is what Marinette was thinking.

"Then I guess we're all going to stand by her side" Replied Basil as he strolled towards the exit, the look of determination covered his face.

Dawson, Jack, Hiram and the Queen all looked at each other.

"Your Majesties... it's best you stay here to keep you safe... London can be a bit insane at times" Said Jack as he looked towards Hiram and the Queen, knowing how easily Marinette could turn nasty.

"London?" Questioned the Queen as she gave Jack a slightly confused look, not knowing what he was actually talking about.

"The London Gun Slinger... Marinette" Replied Jack as she turned around and headed for the exit, he glanced over his shoulder to look at Dawson.

"Dawson are you coming?" Questioned Jack as he gave him a small smile, hoping that he would join in the fight to take back the kingdom.

"Definitely" Replied Dawson as she quickly jogged over towards Jack, then both of them left through the exit.

Hiram pulled the Queen close to him, embracing her tightly.

"Marinette knows what she's doing... I believe in her... I believe that she can take back our kingdom" Said Hiram trying to give his wife some comfort, holding her close he placed a hand on the back of her head.

Meanwhile Marinette was sneaking about the Palace halls. Disabling any henchmen that came across her path. Her mind was racing with all different thoughts, her heart pounding in her chest. Finally she arrived at the main doors to the giant hall where the stage was. Marinette rested her back against the wall next to the door, looking up at the ceiling. Letting the tears fall from her eyes.

"It's now or never... if I die tonight... I'll know I died doing what was right... what was right for my family... my friends... and my kingdom" Thought Marinette as she looked at the door beside her, the tears staining the fur in her cheeks.

"I'm sorry Father, Mother... Jack... Dawson... and especially you Basil" Marinette Said to herself as she looked up at the ceiling with tears clouding her eyes, in a blind rage Marinette swung the doors wide open.

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