Chapter 18: Mystery Spot

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February-ish 2008, Broward County, Florida, United States


Gabriel was sitting at the local diner having some homemade pie, yum. He was feeling quite pleased with himself, because a couple days ago he played a pretty good trick on a putz of a professor. Seriosuly? Who went around to family establishments like the Mystery Spot and put them out of business with his debunking? Did he have a problem with some family touristy fun? Pompous ass.

So, when he followed the guy as he toured the local Mystery Spot and said he didn't believe in wormholes, opened up beneath him and swallowed him.

Goodbye Dexter Hasselback.

Gabriel paid the cashier, who he noticed was skimming money from the register. Well hello next target. He left the little diner and began walking back to his motel when he noticed a very familiar black 67' chevy impala drive by. A mischievous smirk spread across his face. Looks like Roy lucked out, because he now had the two Hunters who tried to kill him to play with.

Gabriel kept tabs on the impala and watched, unseen, as the brothers exited the vehicle talking to each other. Their conversation revealed something very interesting. Seemed Dean-o sold his soul to bring Samsquatch back from the dead, and now had less than a year till his bill came due. Dean seemed to accept his fate, but Sam? Oh, he thought he could find a way to save his brother. Well that's pretty arrogant of him.

Gabriel knew exactly what to do to get through that giant melon of his that he can't save his brother.

What better way than to relive the same day over and over again, trying to save Dean, and never succeeding?

With a smirk he snapped his fingers. Let the 'day-that never-ends' begin!


A Tuesday...

Sam and Dean had come to Broward County to look into the disappearance of a one Professor Dexter Hasselback, who had disappeared while touring the Mystery Spot. Sam thinks that the Mystery Spot could possibly be legit while Dean was all kinds of skeptical saying that it was just another tourist trap. Sam pointed out that even if it might not be real they should still check it out. Dean conceded and that night they sneak in after closing.

They were caught by the panicky owner, with a shotgun aimed at them. Sam tried to get the man to calm down, but as the owner saw Dean move his gun down he swung the shotgun around on him, telling Dean not to move. Dean tried telling him what he was doing, but the owner was so nervous and shaky that he accidentally pulled the trigger shooting Dean in the chest.

Sam held Dean as he choked on his blood and died in Sam's arms.


Tuesday, again...

Sam wakes up in the motel with a start to the sound of "Heat of the Moment" by Asia playing on the radio. Sitting up straight in bed to looks over to find a dressed Dean tying his boots on the bed next to him cheerfully, and very much still alive.

"Rise and shine, Sammy!" Sam looks at the radio that was playing Asia, just like yesterday morning? Dean sees him looking at the radio and grinned happily. "Dude. Asia." Dean went back to tying his boots.

"Dean." Sam said, his face looking slightly freaked out. Things were happening exactly the same, but it couldn't have could it? Was all of yesterday just a dream?

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