Chapter 36: Oh Thank Fuck. There Is A God!

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AN: I like to point out that I don't own any characters that are part of Supernatural or part of any other fandom like Marvel or Troll Hunters. I know no one's called me out for MCU Thor but since I'm more obvious in this new character addition, figured I put this in here.



September 19 2008, Gloversville, New York, United States


Maya was walking home with Puck by her side and her new friend, Eli Pepperjack, the stereotypical nerdy outcast of Gloversville High School. He had neatly combed short black hair and wore large blocky glasses held by some tape in the middle that framed large brown eyes. He wasn't very tall or muscular and always seemed to be falling over his own feet and thin air.

But that was probably because he was like two years younger than her, having just turned fifteen and was still a little baby-faced.

The poor kid was trying to talk to her but every time he opened his mouth he just couldn't get the words out.

Maya didn't need her powers to tell that the kid was painfully shy and anxious over saying the wrong thing to her, after she stood up for him and firmly locked her social status as a high school social pariah with him.

She had tried hanging out with Tracy and her friends. But honestly they were getting on her last nerves with all the gossiping and snide comments they would make about some students, especially poor Eli. Jenny had some redeeming qualities, but she wanted to fit in so badly and so full of angst over some pothead guy she liked that didn't speak up when the others got nasty.

Tracy was also creeping her out, too. She liked to try and sit close beside Maya. Like, really close to the point she was almost always leaning against her. It always made Maya feel so flustered and confused. She was pretty, like, really pretty.

But she was also kind of a bitch.

Tracy liked making snide comments behind Jenny's back—someone who was supposed to be her friend—about how hopeless she was trying to pluck up the courage to ask out pothead Jeremy. Maya would also see her trip up other students in the halls, or get in their way so they'd bump into her and she'd get up in their faces and loudly ridicule them. Getting everyone else in the hall to laugh at them.

Maya had asked Tracy and her friends to cool it. Even anonymously got the teachers, but the victimized students didn't really speak up. Although Eli's stammering was very telling. Unfortunately, the others thought so as well.

So, as Maya was getting her things from her locker and went to head home she heard a commotion down the next hallway. Her and Puck stumbled on the scene of Tracy and her friends stuffing Eli in one of the half lockers. He was tiny enough to fit, that was for sure.

Maya stormed over to them and chewed them out, not that they were willing to listen to her. Tracy even tried flirting with her a little to distract her from her anger, but Maya grappled with her body's reactions and shoved Tracy away from her.

"Get the fuck away from me you fugly blonde bitch!" Maya had sneered, even if she didn't mean the fugly comment. More swears and insults were traded between all of them. It might've come down to blows but the other teens were wary of the snarling little dog with raised hackles between them.

A dark look had come over Tracy's features as she huffed and told the others Maya wasn't worth the trouble of getting a detention over.

Once they started leaving, Maya turned to the locked locker that held the small teenage boy. Thankfully it was the kid's own locker and he gave her the combination to get him out.

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