Chapter 47: Doubt

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December 27 2008, Cheyenne, Wyoming, United States


It'd been a few days since Greybull and the Reaper Seal. Our trio and Puck were driving down the dark deserted highway through the forest just outside Cheyenne, Wyoming. They had first driven Pamela back to her house as an apology for dragging her into their crap, again.

She'd then made them promise to lose her number.

The goodbye had been bittersweet as the blind psychic seemed resolved to wash her hands of them, but still held some affection for the odd trio, still asking them to be careful.

When she hugged Sam goodbye she had whispered in his ear, "I know what you did to that demon, Sam. I can feel what's inside of you. If you think you have good intentions, think again." Pamela had felt Sam's anger and hate towards the demon when he pulled it out of its meat suit. Had felt the dark power build in him before the Heavenly Dog had taken care of the rest. Pamela had no doubt that Sam was about to send that monster back to Hell with his mind, or at least give it his best shot. But beyond the anger and hate, Pamela sensed Sam's thirst for vengeance lurking inside him.

A thirst that wasn't about to be quenched. A thirst that would continue to grow and grow.

Sure his intention to save and protect Maya, was a good one. A noble and righteous one. But the man had been itching to use his powers at the first opportunity, to practice, to get stronger for when he confronted the demon that fueled his dark desire for retribution.

Pamela sensed it all in those scant few seconds Sam used his powers, and the way Maya's light tried to quell these dark emotions enough for Sam to get a hold of himself, but to no avail. Her ability had nudged, but Sam's conviction had remained firm and unmoving.

A conscious decision made.

Pamela had stared sightlessly after them as they left and hoped—prayed even—that whatever ambient ability Maya possessed would be able to save Sam Winchester from himself. Just like it was still slowly healing Dean.

And hoped that whatever power lurked inside her wouldn't come to bite them all in the ass when it broke free.

After dropping Pamela off they had picked a direction and drove a few towns over to settle in, until the next case reared its head.

Unfortunately, none of them thought that maybe they should've given Bobby a call. The blame resting mostly on Dean since he was the one to discover that Bobby hadn't given them the case to begin with in the first place.

So, after another day since saving the seal and dealing with Alastair, Dean's cell rang with Bobby's number popping up.

You'd never heard such cussing and yelling over the phone than what Bobby had blessed them with that morning. They admitted to being duped by an angel that used the gruff old Hunter's voice and mannerisms to look into a case that ended up being a seal. Dean had told Bobby with a nervous laugh that they saved it, though.

Bobby—who knew the boys and Maya well—knew that they weren't being completely straight with him. He demanded they tell him what they were hiding. Maya made sure she was far away from the receiver so she could claim she didn't hear him ask the boys to put her on.

It wasn't a secret that when faced with someone she saw as family with complete trust in them that Maya couldn't lie worth shit. In hindsight, that little weakness was always a little amusing when she did try to lie to them, but not in this instance. Not when all they wanted to do was to keep the small little detail of Maya's almost untimely demise a secret from the very Papa Bear Hunter on the other end of the line.

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