6 - Friends

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|Chapter Six|

     A week passes and Knox makes good progress. And when I say progress, I mean in personality as well as physical health. He's a little stubborn, but we manage to get along although things are a bit tense. He's getting a lot of movement and he can walk around a little bit on his own, but I take over after a bit. It's a crazy experience to see this strong guy be so dependent on someone else.

     He still hasn't talked to me. Not even a word. He'll sigh and groan about what we have to do, but he won't ever say anything. He's gotten a lot more...vocal? about his distastes and stuff though. The man has a 'you're-driving-me-crazy-but-I-can't-stay-mad-at-you' type of charm.

     "Hey," I say.

     He hobbles in with his cane, not giving me a reply as usual. I get the normal upward nod and that's it. He's glad to be out of the wheelchair, but this is his first day up on his feet, and I don't want him to go crazy with it. He's made really quick progress, I'll admit, but I know when someone's hiding their pain to keep doing something they want.

     "We should probably stay in today and you can walk yourself around the house. You're making quick progress, which I'm pleased with. Soon, I'll only need to make a couple visits here a week and you'll be all set," I tell him.  

     He nods, but I feel like there's sadness in his eyes. I'm probably just imagining it. Who'd be sad when they're getting better?

"You already did your exercises for the day so is there anything you wanna do in particular?" I ask, leaving it up to him.

Normally my patients would either get free time to wander the facility and socialize with the other people at this time, but Knox is here so he gets to do what he pleases.

     I bring my attention back to him and he's smirking, an eyebrow raised. I rewind to what I said, 'anything you want to do in par-'

     "Knox!" I scold, realizing what he's insinuating.

     He shrugs. I just shake my head, trying to keep my blush at bay. He holds up his phone and points to me, signaling that he sent a text. I walk back to my room, looking for my phone, but can't find it.

     "Where's my phone?" I say mostly to myself.

     Knox nudges my shoulder, but I still keep searching for my phone. All of a sudden, it flashes across my vision, Knox's hand attached to it.

"Why'd you-"

I stop talking once I read the message he sent me.

"You didn't," I say.

He nods, grinning.

"Thank you," I say.

He gives me a nod. I almost want to hug him, but don't think we're at that point yet. I didn't realize I'd stepped toward him, but he's giving a quizzical look and a raised brow. I change the subject before my embarrassment gets the better of me.

"As soon as she sees this pool, she's gonna want to swim," I warn.

A text pops up.

Knox👑: She's already bringing a suit

"Why are you doing this for me?" I ask.

He just shakes his head.

"It's not for me?" I ask, tilting my head.

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