22 - Knox Knockout Taylor

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I think once I'm finished with the story, I'll post a few bonus chapters that are in Knox's point of view because a lot of people seemed to like that:)

Q: Do you have any pets? If so, what are they? I don't have any, unfortunately, but I really want a dog. I feel like that sounds so cliché haha

|Chapter Twenty Two|

     "This is it. The last fight before the finals. You either make it or you don't, either of which outcome I, and the rest of the crew, will be happy with and prouder than proud of," Kurt says, fussing over some last minute changes to Knox's schedule.  

     Knox nods and does a few warm up punches. I can tell they're both a bit affected by Kurt's words, but guys being guys don't fuss much over it.

     "You've got this. He's a harder opponent, but you can outdo him. Let's keep that record undefeated, yeah?" Kurt says, keeping a lighter tone.

     He grins and nods, taking a quick swig of water.

     "Alright, Kat's been wanting to get a few words in here," Kurt says and backs away.

     "Okay, well, I had this whole speech formulated in my head, but everything's just leaving me at this point. I won't waste any more time, so I guess my final words are that Kurt's right. You've come so far and really made a comeback this season, and anyone who's worked with you will be proud of whatever happens today. Knock 'em dead," I say and he grins.

     I kiss him real quick and head out to the stadium to take a seat. He has to wait to be called in the arena yet, and I await the roar of the crowd to signal him in. Once again, I get to sit in a close up seat that allows me to have a clear view of the big cage in the middle of the arena. Kurt and Nick have space right near the cage and I watch the two empty chairs. After they walk in with Knox, they'll be able to sit there and give whatever tips they can. I swallow as Knox enters the stadium. The crowd goes wild just as before and some women give me dirty looks. After they found out Knox and I were engaged, everyone went crazy. It was even on TV and stuff for a while.

     "Alright, are you guys ready? You know the rules," the ref says and stands in between the two guys.

     They both nod that they're ready to go.

     "I think this match is actually almost even."

     "Knox should win though."

     "He'll pull through."

     I listen to everyone around me and feel my stomach tied up in knots. Sometimes I think I get more nervous than Knox does for these things. He always seems so focused and cool on the outside, but talking about his nervousness right before he fights isn't something I'd do to him. Maybe he's just putting up a front, but part of me thinks he's just becoming one with the sport.

     My breath catches as the fight is started by the ref and the crowd gets even louder, if that's even possible. All previous thoughts of nervousness are pushed back as I cheer for my man and stand along with everyone else.

     "And the both start out circling. This is the final four folks. We're about to find out who one of the finalists is gonna be..."

     I drone out the moderator as I focus solely on Knox. He has the same look in his eyes as he does in every other fight, his face a mask of seriousness and intimidation. His opponent looks to be a similar size as Knox, but I know Knox has skills he can pull out if he needs to resort to something other than his infamous K.O.. His opponent starts going on offense and coming at him, but he deflects each blow and gets a few good ones in himself. I shout along with everyone else.

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